Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Building Applications and Forms

Building Applications and Forms

Building permit application

A building permit is required for most residential, commercial and industrial structures. This includes all new works, alterations, additions and extensions.

There are two types of building permits:

  • BA1 – Application for building permit – certified: Requires a Certificate of Design Compliance (BA3 Form) to be completed by a Private Building Surveyor prior to being submitted to the Shire
  • BA2 – Application for building permit – uncertified: Certified by the Shire.

The fees differ for certified and uncertified applications. Refer to Building schedule of fees and charges.

Note: Under the Building Act 2011 requires that all applicable approvals, including planning approval, are obtained prior to lodgement of a building permit application.

How to apply for a building permit

Step 1: Review relevant checklist

Before applying for a building permit please refer to the checklists below.

Not sure which class? Check out Building Classes.

Step 2: Complete the application form

You will need to download the application form (BA1 certified or BA2 uncertified) from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety website.

Step 3: Pay Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Levy

Note: this payment is only required for construction estimated to be over $20,000.

 The Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Levy applies to all residential, commercial and civil engineering projects undertaken in Western Australia, where the total value of construction is estimated to be more than $20,000.  

You can pay the BCTIF levy online.  Note, a copy of the receipt will need to be provided to the Shire with your application. Alternatively, you can pay for the levy in person at the Shire when you lodge your application.

Step 4: Lodge and pay for your building permit application

The Shire of Harvey receives Building applications electronically and this option is available to all our customers and residents. Although you may submit your application in person or by post all applications are assessed electronically and all approvals are sent out via email with a electronic copy being recorded by the Shire, in accord with the section 130 of the Building Act 2011.

  • Electronically. The Shire of Harvey encourages you to lodge building applications electronically via the Shire e-mail address. Please submit a PDF version of your application with supporting documentation to We can receive up to 25MB per email. 
  • In Person. You may lodge an application over the front counter at either Administration Offices located in Australind  (7 Mulgara Street, Australind) or Harvey (102 Uduc Road, Harvey). 
  • By Post. You may lodge an application via post at PO Box 500, Harvey WA 6220.


All fees must be paid in full at the time of submitting an application. Payments can be made by completing the Credit Card Authorisation form (see below) with your application, over the phone via credit card details or in person at either Shire of Harvey Administration Offices.

The minimum building permit fees for estimated value of works under $20,000 is $171.65.

For current fees for estimated value of works over $20,000 please refer to the Building schedule of fees and charges.

Timeframes for building permit approval

The following timeframes are in accordance with the Building Act 2011:

  • Certified application: 10 business days (excluding public holidays).
  • Uncertified application: 25 business days (excluding public holidays).


  • The clock will only start when the application is complete when submitted and payment is received.
  • If additional information is required a letter will be sent to the applicant, builder and/or owner requesting further information. The applicant has 21 calendar days to provide the requested information.
  • Under the Building Act 2011, the shire has the right to refuse an application if all the required information has not been submitted within the 21-day timeframe.
  • The clock will stop from the date the letter is sent for additional information and will restart the day the information required has been received.

Notice of completion

Once building works have been completed the builder is responsible for lodging the Notice of Completion – BA7 form within seven days of completion of works.

Part 33 of the Building Act 2011 states:

  1. The responsible person in relation to a permit must, within 7 days of completion of the work, or the stage of the work, for which the permit was granted, give notice of completion to a relevant permit authority. Penalty: a fine of $10 000.
  2. A notice of completion must:
    • Be in an approved form; and
    • State that the work, or the stage of the work, for which the permit was granted, is completed; and
    • Be accompanied by a copy of a certificate for each inspection or test mentioned in section 25(3)(h) or (4)(f) that applies to the permit.

The BA7 form can be downloaded from the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety website.

Submission of your BA7 and relating documentation can be submitted by email to, or a hard copy posted or delivered to one of the Shire of Harvey offices. 

Development approval application

Residential Design Codes Variation (R - Codes Application)

An Application for R - Codes Variation is required to be submitted with the following documents:

  • Completed Application for Development Approval – Residential Design Codes Variation form signed by the owner of the land on which the development is located
  • Payment of required application fee (view Building Schedule of Fees and Charges)
  • Cover letter outlining the Design Principles being applied for consideration under, and justification of compliance with each Design Principle
  • Two sets of plans displaying the extent of all proposed works in compliance with the Design Principles.
  • Adjoining landowner’s comment in relation to the proposal, should the adjoining land owners comment not be received, additional time may be incurred in the processing of this application due to required consultation with the adjoining land owner for the purpose of meeting the requirements of the r-codes.

Please refer to Variation to R - Codes Policies (4.2.6 and 4.1.5) below, before submitting a R - Codes variation application.

Submission of your application and relating documentations can be lodged by e-mail to, or a hard copy posted or hand delivered to one of the Shire of Harvey offices. 

All building approval forms, certificates and notices

The following building forms are available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety website.


  • BA1 – Application for building permit – certified              
  • BA2 – Application for building permit – uncertified                        
  • BA5 – Application for demolition permit              
  • BA9 – Application for occupancy permit              
  • BA13 – Application for building approval certificate                       
  • BA19 – Request to amend building permit or builder's details                   
  • BA22 – Application to extend time – building or demolition permit                            
  • BA23 – Application to extend time – occupancy permit or building approval certificate       
  • BA24 – Application for modification or non-application of building standard                          
  • BA24A – Application for modification or non-application of a bush fire building standard


  • BA3 – Certificate of design compliance                
  • BA17 – Certificate of construction compliance                  
  • BA18 – Certificate of building compliance


  • BA7 – Notice of completion                      
  • BA8 – Notice of cessation                         
  • BA20 – Notice and request for consent to encroach or adversely affect                 
  • BA20A – Notice and request for consent (response notice): Protection structures, party walls, removal of fences, access to land

Building plans request and building approval information

What is the difference between plans request and building approval information?

A Building Plan request, the Shire scans and provides a copy of approved Building Permit documentation, copies of plans for all approved structures on a property for example, floor plans, site plans, engineering, specifications/elevations and septic plans.

Building approval information, the Shire provides all listed approvals for a property, listing Building permit numbers, issue dates and description of works.

Who can order copies of building plans?

As per Section 131 of the Building Act 2011, copies of Building approvals and plans can be provided to:

  • The Owner(s) of a property, as reflected on the Shire of Harvey’s Rates System.
  • A person who has written authorisation from the Owner(s).
  • The Purchaser of the property, in which case a signed copy of the Offer and Acceptance must be provided if a property transfer hasn’t occurred yet.

Please note: If a property is owned by a Company or a Trust, a current “Company Extract” must be provided.   If the property is part of a Strata, written authorisation from the Strata Secretary representing the Strata Company must be provided.

Plans Required and Schedule of Fees and Charges 2024 -2025

Residential Building Permit / Plans

Scanned and via e-mail 


Building Approval Information search$110
How to lodge request

To request a copy of either your property information or Building plans please complete the applicable application form and submit to the Shire of Harvey using one of the following options:  

  • By Email:
  • By Mail: PO Box 500, Harvey WA 6220
  • In Person: Australind Administration Centre (7 Mulgara Street, Australind) or Harvey Administration Centre (102 Uduc Road, Harvey).