Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Library Membership

Benefits of library membership

You don’t have to be a member to use and relax in our library space.  However, there are many benefits of becoming a member, including:

  • Borrowing up to 30 items for three weeks at a time.
  • Access to a large range of books, DVDs, audiobooks, toys and more.
  • Access to 24 libraries in the South West One Library consortia.
  • Free Wi-Fi.
  • Free use of public computers.
  • Discounted print prices.
  • Access to a range of events and workshops.
  • Technology support.

One Library Consortium

The Shire of Harvey Libraries are part of the South West One Library Consortium.

This unique arrangement connects 24 libraries within 12 Shires in the South West of WA.

This is great news for our library members! You can use your library card to borrow and return items at any of the participating Consortia libraries. For example, you can borrow items from Australind and return it at the Eaton Library or vice versa.

Participating libraries include Australind, Balingup, Binningup, Boddington, Boyanup, Boyup Brook, Bridgetown, Bunbury, Busselton, Capel, Dalyellup, Dardanup, Donnybrook, Dunsborough, Eaton, Harvey, Manjimup, Nannup, Northcliffe, Pemberton, Walpole, Waroona, Withers and Yarloop.

The State Library of WA has notified us of changes to freight deliveries that will impact both Inter-Library loans and the transfer of books across the One Library Consortium.  The ever increasing online availability of items  and rising transport costs make it imperative that the State Library works with public libraries to deliver more sustainable services to the community.

What does this mean for you?

  • The  Inter-library loans  (i.e. loans or items from libraries outside the Consortium eg metro libraries) will not be suspended or ceased. It will remain available but will be offered in electronic  format in the first instance. We understand this may not suit everyone and ask customers to please contact your local library branch for more information and assistance. 
  • The State Library freight service that deliver items within the One Library Consortium libraries will end. As a result of this change, it may take longer to deliver your requests (holds) to you. The Consortium is actively working to find a  delivery solution. 
  • The number of libraries in the Consortium where you can place a "hold" will reduce until a freight solution is found.
  •  Availability of some printed materials will take longer than usual. Have you considered receiving items electronically?

For further information , please contact Australind Library on 9797 4590.

Library collection

We hold a wide range of items in our library collection, including:

  • Books in normal and large print.
  • Audio books in CD and MP3 formats.
  • DVDs.
  • eResources.
  • Magazines and newspapers.
  • Toys and puzzles.
  • Books for sale and exchange.
  • Selection of local history books.

We have a great selection of children’s books ranging from kindy level, early readers right up to young adults.

A selection of genres such as westerns, science fiction and fantasy is also available.

Our physical collection is complimented by free eResources.

How to join in person

Visit any of our libraries to complete a membership application in person.

Please bring along proof of ID showing your current address.

Children under the age of 18 will need a parent to sign.

How to join online

Follow these steps to join the library online:

  1. Go to Library Catalogue.
  2. Select ‘Log in’ link (located at the very top of the page).
  3. Select ‘Register’ (in green text).
  4. Complete and submit the registration form.

Important note: Your online registration is not activated until you present your proof of ID at any of our libraries. Once ID is sighted, your library membership is then activated and you can start borrowing. 

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