Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Customer Service

The Customer Service Team is committed to being an inclusive, enterprising and engaging organisation that is your first point of contact with the Shire.

Our team of officers can assist you with requests and issues relating to all Shire activities, including (but not limited to):

  • Rates
  • Waste
  • Building and Planning
  • Payments
  • Feedback

Our Promise

We promise to provide excellent customer service that meets your needs, is of real value and is of the highest possible standard. We will achieve this through dedication, innovation and continuous improvement by:

  • Inviting and evaluating feedback to continually improve services to our community.
  • Providing our customers with new and relevant changes to policies, procedures, environment and community interests through a variety of communication options.

Our Commitment

  • Provide honest, efficient and reliable service in a timely and professional manner.
  • Actively works together and respects each other.
  • Acts with honesty, integrity and fairness.
  • Is open-minded, approachable, tolerant and responsive.

Customer Service Charter

The Customer Service Charter sets out our commitment to you as our customer and the standards of service we aim to deliver.

It also provides staff with clear standards to strive for in service excellence and to achieve the Shire’s Vision and Values identified in the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031.

We care about our customers and endeavour to meet your needs and expectations through exceptional service delivery.

You can contact us to make an enquiry, lodge a customer service request or a complaint:

  • In person, by visiting the Shire Administration Centre in Australind or Harvey, which is open Monday to Friday between 9am to 4pm.
  • By phone 08 9729 0300.
  • By email
  • Feedback form

Beware of scams

The Shire of Harvey is urging community members to be alert against scams.

Scammers will try to impersonate a Shire of Harvey staff member over email or phone to trick community members into giving them money.

If you receive an email or invoice you are unsure about, please call the Shire of Harvey on 9729 0300 to verify whether money is owed.

Community members can also report scams to the Australian Government’s Cyber Security Centre.



For information on COVID-19, view these resources.