Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Swimming Pools

Building permit approval

A building permit is required prior to installing a swimming pool or spa that contains water that is more than 300mm deep and is required to have a compliant safety barrier installed.

This requirement includes above-ground, below-ground, inflatable and portable pools and spas. It does not include a pool that is emptied after each use provided it does not exceed 300mm in depth.

To apply please go to Building applications and forms.

Swimming pool safety barrier

In Western Australia, there are two sets of safety barrier requirements. The applicable requirement depends on when the private swimming pool was installed or when plans for the installation of the pool were submitted to the permit authority for approval.


  • Post 1 May 2016 private swimming pools are required to have safety barriers that comply with the edition of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) currently in effect. The BCA references AS 1926.1:2012 (Safety barriers for swimming pools) and AS 1926.2:2007 (Location of safety barriers for swimming pools) incorporating amendments 1 and 2. Effectively a Swimming Pool is to be isolated restricting access from the Dwelling.
  • Pre 1 May 2016 private swimming pools can continue to comply with their existing requirements under the Regulations or alternatively comply with the new requirements (that is the BCA).

For more information visit the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety page on Swimming, spa and portable pools.

Requirements when construction is completed (for pools and safety barriers)

When construction of a swimming pool and/or safety barrier has been completed, a Notice of Completion form (BA7) must be completed and lodged.

The person named as the Builder on the Building Permit for the pool barrier and/or swimming pool is responsible for submitting a BA7, within 7 days of the works being completed. Failure to comply may result in fines or prosecution. Modified penalty of $500 of may apply.

To apply please go to Building applications and forms.

Swimming pool/spa inspections

State Government legislation requires the Shire must ensure that private swimming pools and spas located within the Shire are protected in order to reduce danger risks to unsupervised children.

The Shire is required to inspect all pools, spas and safety barriers once construction is completed and then within every four years following.

A Shire officer will attend your property. If they are unable to access your property an access card will be left to arrange an inspection. It is important you arrange a mutually satisfactory time and date within 14 days of receiving an access card.

The Shire officer will check that your fences, gates and latches are all working properly, there are no climbable objects around the pool fence that children can climb onto and get into the pool or spa, and a number of other things that will help protect your kids and their friends.

Removal of swimming pools and spas

Please notify the Shire when a swimming pool or spa is removed. A Shire officer must conduct a site visit to confirm that the swimming pool or spa has been correctly removed.

Once the inspection has been completed and signed off as compliant, the Shire can remove the swimming pool inspection fee from your yearly rates.

More information and contacts

For more information on swimming pools and spas, please contact us.

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety web page on Swimming, spa and portable pools provides some useful publications and videos, including:

  • Rules for pools and spas – May 2016
  • Rules for portable pools – August 2018
  • Thinking of installing a swimming pool or spa? (obtaining building approval) – September 2016
  • Swimming pools and spas: electrical bonding – August 2018
  • Danger – Swimming pool under construction – November 2018
  • Do not pin the gate open - December 2018
  • Simple pool safety checklist for residents - March 2020
  • Product Safety Alert – Swimming Pool Skimmer Boxes

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