Advocacy Priorities

Advocacy Priorities

The Advocacy Priorities for the Shire of Harvey looks to encourage investment in key strategic projects which will support jobs in the region whilst building on the enviable lifestyle opportunities that come with living in the South West of Western Australia.

The Shire of Harvey has entered an exciting period of growth bringing huge opportunities and some challenges.

As a Shire, we are committed to creating a strategic agenda that promotes sustainable social and economic growth.

Our sustained growth is linked closely to derived community benefit, with our district providing not only desirable places to live but employment for local people, by local industry and commerce.

Our Advocacy Priorities seek to support the community whilst stimulating the economy.

These projects and initiatives have also been developed through community engagement and strategic long-term planning and are identified within our
Corporate Business Plan 2023 – 2027.

Through partnerships, we can make these critical projects a reality and deliver social, environmental, and economic benefits for our local community, the South West region and WA.