Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Rates Payments

Rate payment options

You have several options for paying your rates:

  • Pay in full: Payment due by 4pm on 27 September 2024. 
  • Pay in two instalments: Payment due by 4pm on 27 September 2024 and 4pm on 29 November 2024. 
  • Pay in four instalments: Payment due by 4pm on 27 September 2024, 4pm on 29 November 2024, 4pm on 30 January 2025 and 4pm on 4 April 2025.

Important note: There will be an administration fee plus interest cost if paying by instalments (excluding pensioners).

Early rates incentive prize

The Shire of Harvey has launched a rates Payment Incentive Scheme with a $10,000 prize bucket.
Ten lucky ratepayers will receive a $1,000 cash prize if they pay their rate assessments in full by 4pm Friday, 27 September 2024. 
Please read the Terms and Conditions below.  

Rates Prize Draw Terms and Conditions 2024-2025
  1. This competition is a promotion run by the Shire of Harvey (“Promoter”).
  2. Entries and information on prizes and how to enter form part of these Terms and Conditions.
  3. Participation in this competition constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.
  4. The competition is open to ratepayers of the Shire of Harvey who pay the full amount due as listed on their 2024-2025 rates notice before 2pm WST Friday, 27 September 2024 for electronic payments and 4pm WST for payments made at a Shire Administration Office or Ratepayers who have no outstanding overdue rates and service charges, including accounts with credit balances.
  5. Payment must be received before the closing date to go into the draw. No responsibility is accepted for late, lost or misdirected payments.
  6. The competition commences 26 August 2024 and closes 4pm WST Friday 27 September 2024 (2pm 27 September 2024 for electronic payments). The competition will be drawn at 10am WST Friday the 8 October 2024 in Harvey Shire Administration Office, 102 Uduc Road, Harvey WA 6220.
  7. All winners will be chosen at random from a database of all eligible rate payments received. The winners will be randomly matched to a prize package. The Promoter’s decision is final.
  8. The winners will be notified by phone, email or mail. The winners will be presented with their prize by a shire representative within the Shire of Harvey. The prize presented will be in the form of a Cheque. If the winner does not reside in the Shire of Harvey the cheque will be posted to their nominated postal address. Competition results will be published on Shire’s website following the draw.
  9. The prize draw, with a total value of $10,000, will be divided among 10 people, each receiving $1,000. 
  10. Prize components may alter at the discretion of the Promoter. The Promoter will not be liable for any change in the value of the prize between the date Rates Notices are issued and the date prizes are claimed.
  11. The prizes are not transferable or exchangeable.
  12. The prizes are subject to availability and all other relevant Terms and Conditions.
  13. Collection of prizes will be organised by the winner following notification of their winning entry. The Promoter will not be liable for any delivery or travel costs associated with claiming a prize. The winner must collect their prizes by 31 January 2025, or it will be forfeited.
  14. The information held on file for Ratepayers will be used by the Promoter to identify and contact the winners.
  15. Photographs may be taken at the collection of the prize for marketing and media purposes and the Promoter has the right to use these images without seeking prior approval of the prize winner.
  16. The Promoter will not be liable for any loss or damage or for any personal injury sustained as a result of taking the prizes or entering into this competition. The Promoter makes no representations or warranties as to the quality, suitability or merchantability or any goods or services offered as prizes.

Rate payment methods

Payments can be made:

  • Pay rates online: Note, you will need your payment reference number (found on your rates notice).
  • BPay via your online banking site: Use Biller Code 94003 and the reference number on your rate notice.
  • By telephone: You can pay with a Mastercard or Visa card by calling our Customer Service Officers on (08) 9729 0300.
  • By mail: Please detach the remittance at the bottom of your rates notice, and post along with your payment to the Shire.
  • In person: Visit either our Harvey or Australind Office to pay in person.

Register for eRates to receive your rates by email. No more lost notices and we all save paper.

Address details are available on our Contact us page.

Did you know you can also pay by direct debit? See options below:

  • Direct debit from your bank account: Direct debit can be used to pay your rates in smaller more manageable payments. A direct debit is from a nominated bank account either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Direct debits always occur on a Thursday.
  • Direct debit from your credit card: This is similar to a direct debit, but you nominate the day of the week for the deduction to occur either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Please contact the Shire of Harvey Rates team to discuss. 

To arrange a direct debit please complete and submit the form below.

Experiencing payment difficulties?

If you are experiencing difficulty in paying rates please contact us as soon as possible, to discuss alternative arrangements.

Important notes:

  • Penalty interest (7% pa calculated daily) will apply to any amount that is outstanding 36 days after the rates notice is issued.
  • If rating arrears, full payment or overdue instalments remain unpaid and a regular payment arrangement has not been arranged then legal action may be taken to recover these rating debts.

See also: Financial hardship policy

More information and contacts

For more information about rates please contact us.

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