Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Shire of Harvey cemeteries

The Shire of Harvey has 4 public cemeteries and one private cemetery within our Boundary.

Old Harvey Cemetery

Located at Lot 111 South Western Highway, Harvey, the Harvey General Cemetery was established in 1916 for the settlers in and around the Harvey district.

We currently have no new plots within this Cemetery however the cemetery continues to be used with prior reservations or for current Grant of Right holders.

Australind Cemetery

Established in 1841, The Australind Pioneer Cemetery is located at Lot 377 Old Coast Road, Australind.

The Cemetery has options for both burials and the placement of ashes.

Harvey Lawn Cemetery

Established in 1973, the Harvey Lawn Cemetery is located on Forestry Road, Harvey.

The Cemetery has options available for both burials and placement of ashes in either our Niche Wall or Rose Gardens.

Cookernup Cemetery (private)

Established in 1898, the Cookernup Cemetery is located at Rose Street, Cookernup.

The Cemetery has a number of burials options available.

Putting your loved ones to rest

Please see below information on burials, ashes and monuments. 


Burials are generally carried out by a funeral director, who will arrange every aspect of the burial and service for the family.


Harvey Lawn Cemetery and Australind Cemetery allow for the placement of ashes.

Options available include memorial niche walls and rose gardens (Harvey Lawn only).

Ashes can also be placed within existing graves in all cemeteries, provided that permission from the Grant Right of Burial holder is given.


Monuments are not installed by the Shire and a separate application is completed through a monument mason, with the permission of the holder of the Grant of Right of Burial.

All monuments in the lawn section of a cemetery shall:

  • Be made of natural stone
  • Be placed upon a base of natural stone
  • Comply with the following specifications:
    • The overall height of the monument above the original surface of the grave shall not exceed 1.05m
    • The height of the base of the monument above the original surface of the grave shall be 150mm
    • The width of the base of the monument shall not exceed 1.20m
    • The depth of the base of the monument shall not exceed 300mm
    • Have foundations placed on a reinforced concrete slab, set level to the natural ground of the following dimensions, length 1.2m, width 0.6m and depth 150mm.

Finding your loved ones. 

The Shire of Harvey uses IntraMaps to display local cemetery records. 

1. Go to Intramaps.
2. On the left side of the page, click Cemetery.
3. At the bottom of the page, click Cemetery and Gardens Search.
4. Search the surname of your loved one. 

More information and contacts

Please contact us for information on:

  • Applications to erect monuments
  • Burial information
  • Cemetery records
  • Interment of ashes
  • Niche wall and memorial gardens
  • Plaque orders
  • Reservations for cemetery plots.