Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Work with us

Your future starts here.

We are one of the fastest growing Local Governments in Western Australia with a community-led plan in place for a bright and resilient future.

Powered by a robust team of 269 people, our dynamic organisation sits across two administration centres, four depots, four libraries, two recreation and leisure centres and two aquatic centres.

As a local government authority, we strive to achieve the community’s vision for working together towards an even better lifestyle.

The Shire of Harvey is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing a safe working environment that embraces and values Team Work, Integrity, Leadership, Respect and Excellence. We recognise the value of the diversity and strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures to the heritage of all Australians. 

Here you can find some information to give you an insight into the exciting and challenging career opportunities that exist within our organisation.

Take a look at this video to see the beautiful environment in which you too, can live, work and play by choosing to join us.

Find out more about the Harvey Region here.

Recruitment video