Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Licensing services we provide

Did you know the Shire of Harvey is an agency for the Department of Transport?

Please note that as the Shire of Harvey is an agent for the Department of Transport, we are unable to discuss any licensing enquiries or transactions over the phone.  Please visit the Department of Transport website or call them direct on 13 11 56.

Following is a list of some of the services and payments that can be undertaken.

Vehicle licence (registration) payments

  • Vehicle licence renewals
  • Vehicle transfer of ownership
  • Cancelling of vehicle licence
  • Change of vehicle plates
  • Personalised and custom plates.

Driver’s licence payments and bookings

Renew your driver’s licence

If you need a driver’s licence photo, please remember to bring in your renewal notice and your previous driver's licence

Getting your licence

Computer Theory and Hazard Perception Test: Bookings are by appointment only. Please call (08) 9729 0300 and advise if you require your appointment in Harvey or Australind.

Practical driving assessments: Held in Harvey every Thursday. Bookings are required to be made in person at either Harvey or Australind.  Please bring your Learner's Permit with you. 

Boat registration payments

We are able to receipt payment for boat registrations when you have your renewal notice and transfer of ownership.

Firearms licence payments

Payments for a Firearms Licence are taken at the Post Office.

Proof of identity (ID) documents

Please remember to bring at least one form of primary identification with you. Note, some transactions may require more than one.

Examples of primary identification include:

  • Australian Drivers Licence or Learners Permit card
  • WA Photo Card
  • Australian or New Zealand Birth Certificate
  • Australian or Overseas Passport.

Find out more about proof of identification on the Department of Transport’s website.

Location and opening hours

We can be found at 102 Uduc Rd, Harvey and 9 Mulgara St, Australind.

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm.

Payment methods

Payments can be paid by cash, cheque, debit card, MasterCard or Visa.

More information and contacts

For more information about rates please contact us.