Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Playgrounds in the Shire

Australind playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Clifton Park
Lucy Victoria Avenue, Australind
Nature playground, seating, public toilet, BBQ, drink fountain

Christina Street Park

Old Coast Road, Australind
Playground, seating, public toilet
Ridley Place / Karragarup
Old Coast Road, Australind
Nature playground, seating, drink fountain, BBQ, public toilet
Fees Field
Cathedral Avenue, Australind
Playground, shelter, seating, drink fountain, public toilets
Settlers Hall
Marine Drive, Australind
Playground, seating, shade, BBQ, basketball hoop
Galway Green Park
Leschenault Parade, Australind
Playgrounds, seating, drink fountain, shade, BBQ
Charlies Garden
Garfield Drive, Australind
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain
Twin Rivers
Forsyth Approach, Australind
Playground, seating
Braidwood Drive Park
Braidwood Drive, Australind
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ
Kingston Drive Park
Kingston Drive, Australind
Playground, seating
Rockland Road Park
Rockland Road, Australind
Swing, seat
Leschenault Leisure Centre Oval
Peter Anderson Drive, Australind
Playground, seating, shelter, drink fountain
Leschenault Leisure Centre Tennis Courts
Leisure Drive, Australind
Treendale Park 
Tsavorite Promenade, Australind
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain
Treendale South Park
Virgo Brace, Australind
Playground, seating, BBQ, drink fountain
Binningup playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Binningup Oval
Driftwood Way, Binningup
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets
Binningup Foreshore
Coronation Drive, Binningup
Playground with Waabiny Pirate Ship installation, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets

Portillo Park

Portillo Lane, Binningup

Brunswick playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Brunswick Channel Park
Brunswick Road, Brunswick
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ
Brunswick River
Ommaney Road, Brunswick Junction
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets
Brunswick Mooseum
Ommaney Road, Brunswick Junction
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets
Cookernup playgrounds
Park and LocationFacilities
Cookernup Hall
Riverdale Road, Cookernup
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets, tennis
Harvey playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Harvey Dam
Weir Road, Harvey
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets
Apex Park
Anthony Street, Harvey
Playground, seating, shelter, drink fountain, basketball hoop
Ann Gerschow Park
Horizon Avenue, Harvey
Playground, seating, shelter, drink fountain
Myalup playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Tom Ottery Park
Reading Road, Myalup
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, basketball hoop
Roelands playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
Roelands Hall
Government Road, Roelands
Playground, seating, shelter
Yarloop playgrounds
Park and locationFacilities
One Tree Park
Railway Parade, Yarloop
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain, public toilets, BBQ, basketball hoop
Yarloop Hall
Station Street, Yarloop
Playground, seating, shelter, BBQ, drink fountain

Play Space Strategy

The Shire of Harvey's Play Space Strategy 2021-2026 outlines Council's commitment to providing play spaces throughout the Shire that enhance the health, wellbeing and social connectedness of our community.

More information and contacts

The playgrounds are regularly maintained by the Shire. To report any safety issues or maintenance requirements, please contact us.

For more information about the playgrounds, please contact us.

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