Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Advisory Groups

The Shire of Harvey is committed to effective, two-way community engagement: we want to inform, consult, involve and collaborate with Shire of Harvey residents in decisions that affect them.

However, we recognise that Community Engagement is an ongoing journey.

The Advisory Group model was introduced in 2019 to bring together key stakeholders for advice on strategy, policy, services, facilities and projects, as representatives of the wider community.

In 2024, a review of all Advisory groups run by the Shire looked into the cost, resourcing, and limited attendance at Advisory Group meetings. 

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 17 December 2024, Council considered the review, and determined to transition the model of ‘Place’ advisory groups to an Annual Community Meeting. These will be held in August/September in the localities of Australind, Binningup/Myalup, Brunswick, Harvey and Yarloop/Cookernup. These meetings will aim to engage with a wide range of locals in these areas for positive two-way conversations.

We sincerely thank everyone involved in the Place-based Advisory groups for your invaluable time and efforts, and for your understanding and ongoing support as we seek to build and develop the ways we engage with our communities. 

In addition to the Community Meetings, there are a range of ways to continue to engage with the Shire. These include:

 Participate in ongoing community engagement initiatives. You can keep up to date with these at Have Your Say and by checking Our Website.

 Attend Agenda Briefings and Ordinary Council Meetings

 Subscribe to our newsletter

 Check out the 4 O'Clock Report in your local newspaper (Harvey Waroona Reporter and Bunbury Herald)

 Listen to our weekly 96.5fm Harvey Community Radio updates

 Follow us on social media (icons for FB/Insta and Linkedin)

 Report a hazard on our Report It page

 Contact us using our Feedback Form. All contact via this form is lodged with the Shire, and an Officer will respond.

For more information on these channels, head to Shire of Harvey - Community and Media.

Council has retained the following Advisory Groups.