Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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The eLibrary is where you will find eResources that you can borrow online using a digital device. There is no need to visit a library.

Online resources include:

  • ebooks
  • audiobooks
  • digital movies
  • digital magazines.

How to access the eResources

The service is free to library members.

Two ways you can access eResources

  1. Download the eResource app to a tablet and/or mobile phone OR
  2. Access eResources on your computer and/or  laptop 

To borrow and watch any of our online resources:

  1. Select an eResource (see below)
  2. Login using your library card number and PIN number.

Contact us if you don’t know your PIN number.

eResources available

Here is a list of eResources for your enjoyment.


Borrow Box

eBooks, digital magazines and audiobooks.

View Borrow Box instructions


Documentaries and movies.

View Kanopy instructions


eBooks and audiobooks.

(Note, Libby has the same collection of titles as the OverDrive app below.)

View Libby instructions


Borrow and enjoy audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV, magazines or music.

Digital Magazines

Digital magazines are now available on Overdrive or  Libby

Find out more information on this new change.

State Library of WA

Education eResources, Kids eResources, Family History eResources and more.

(Note, you will need to join the State Library if you want to borrow some of these eResources. All WA residents are eligible and its free to join.)

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