Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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BA1 Application for Building Permit - Certified (Classes 2-9) Checklist

Important notes

  • Applications submitted without all of the applicable items listed below, will not be accepted and will be returned.
  • The Building Act 2011 requires that all applicable approvals, including planning approval, are obtained prior to lodgement of a building permit application.
  • This list is not a complete list of all requirements but is a general guide of the minimum information required.

Class definitions

Class 2-9: The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety classifies buildings by the purpose for which they are designed, constructed or adapted to be used.  A building may attract a number of classes and be described as a mixed-use building. Find out about building classes 2-9.

Information required (mandatory)

Building approval forms

Form BA1 Certified Building Application and Form BA3 Certificate of Design Compliance (issued by a private Registered Building Surveyor Contractor).  

Note, all the plans and documents listed on the Certificate of Design Compliance must be submitted with the application.

Access forms BA1 and BA3 (available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website).

Builder’s registration details or Owner Builder’s Licence

Required if estimated construction value is over $20,000 in non-rural areas.

Access form 75 Owner Builder Application (available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website).

Drawings, site plan, specification, engineering details and relevant reports

Documentation required to be submitted with application:

  • Scale Drawings; 1:200 Site Plan including levels = FFL and FGL, 1:20 Sectionals, 1:100 Elevations.
  • Specifications.
  • Engineered details (footing, slab, wall and roof).
  • Site classification (soil type and wind classification).
  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) site assessment report – only if in designated bushfire prone areas.
  • Energy Efficiency report (BCA compliant deemed to satisfy or alternative solutions provisions). For more information refer to Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings.

Note, storm water discharge from buildings must be diverted away from structures and contained on site within the lot boundaries. Soak wells may be required on some sites at the rate of 65m2 surface area to 1m3 capacities. Where connection to Council’s stormwater system is available approval for the connection is required to be obtained from Council’s Engineering Department prior to the issue of a building permit.

Water Corporation approval

When building in an area serviced by Water Corporation, approval is required prior to construction. Find out about Lodging a building application with Water Corporation.

BCITF levy form or payment receipt

BCITF = 0.20% of Estimated Construction Value (EVC) - applicable if ECV including GST exceeds $20,000. Find out more about the BCITF levy.

Additional information required if applicable

Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) Report

Required if building in a Bushfire prone Area. Include relevant construction method details.

BA20 Form – Work affecting other land

Required if the proposed works show encroachment on adjoining land, or works that will adversely affect an adjoining property. Neighbours’ consent is required prior to issue of the Building Permit. Access BA20 form: Notice and request for consent to encroach or adversely affect (available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website).

BA20A Form – Work affecting other land – access only

Required if the proposed works involve removing a fence/working on boundary requiring access to neighbour’s land etc. the Builder/Owner is to obtain neighbours consent prior to works commencing. Access BA20A form – Notice and request for consent (response notice): Protection structures, party walls, removal of fences, access to land (available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website).

Heritage notification proof

Required if applicable as per Heritage Council of WA.

Septic application

Required if applicable, complete the application form below and submit with payment to the Shire.

Planning approval

Also referred to as a DA or development application, planning approval is required for grouped dwellings (in excess of three), codes variations (reduced boundary setbacks or over size etc), and/or if the District Planning Scheme (DPS) requires, such as buildings in a landscape protection area etc.

For more information refer to the R Codes - State Planning Policy and the Shire of Harvey’s Outbuildings Policy (see below).

Fees and payments

View Building Fees Schedule.

Fees can be paid using the Credit Card Authority Form (see below) or other approved method on submitting an application for building permit.

A Building Permit will not be processed until payment has been made.

Where to lodge your application

The Shire of Harvey receives Building applications electronically and this option is available to all our customers and residents. Although you may submit your application in person or by post all applications are assessed electronically and all approvals are sent out via email with a electronic copy being recorded by the Shire, in accord with the section 130 of the Building Act 2011.


The Shire of Harvey encourages you to lodge building applications electronically via the Shire e-mail address. Please submit a PDF version of your application with supporting documentation to We can receive up to 25MB per email. 

In Person:

You may lodge an application over the front counter at either Administration Offices located in Australind - 7 Mulgara Street, Australind or Harvey - 102 Uduc Road, Harvey. 

By Post:

You may lodge an application via post at PO Box 500, Harvey WA 6220.

Processing of application

 Building permit applications are processed in the order in which they are received.

Under the Building Act 2011, the Shire has statutory timeframes for approval.

  • Certified application: 10 business days (excluding public holidays).

All applications are assessed electronically and all approvals are sent out via email unless hard copy approvals are requested. 

More information and contacts

For more information or assistance with lodging your application, please contact us.