Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Caravans, Camping and Temporary Accommodation

Caravan parks

There are six caravan parks within the Shire. These are required to be licenced with the Shire and renewed annually. The caravan parks are inspected by the Shire of Harvey’s Environmental Health Officers. for compliance with the Caravan Parks and Camping Ground Act and Regulations.

Construction or alteration to your caravan

You must discuss your proposal with the Caravan Park Manager as all applications will require written approval.

If you are constructing a free-standing patio, ensuite, carport or shed you are required to apply for approval from the Shire of Harvey.  You will need to complete a BA2 Application for Building Permit – Uncertified (available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety website).

If you are intending to bring a park home and construct a rigid annexe you are required to apply for approval from the Shire of Harvey. You will need to complete one of the following applicable forms.

Camping on private land

The WA caravan parks and camping grounds legislation specifies the length of time a person can camp on land which they own or are legally permitted to camp on.

The legislation states a person may camp for no longer than three consecutive days in any 28-day period.

The rationale behind this is to effectively manage public health concerns such as potable water supply and liquid and solid waste disposal as well as the need to provide a minimum habitable standard.

To reside longer than 3 days will require approval from the Minister of Local Government. For more information please contact us.

Temporary accommodation while building

If you are considering living onsite whilst building a dwelling, you must apply in writing for approval to live in temporary accommodation.


  • Applications for temporary accommodation is only for building sites outside town site boundaries or on lots zoned “Special Residential” or “Special Rural” within town site boundaries.
  • Applications for lots zoned “Residential” within any town site boundary will be declined unless extraordinary circumstances exist.

Please submit your application to the Manager Environmental Health Services, Shire of Harvey.

Additional rules and requirements

  • It is illegal to convert a conventional shed for use as a residential premise or occupy a shed.
  • Ablution facilities and laundry may be provided within the shed but you must reside within a caravan or similar facility within the shed.
  • Satisfactory arrangements are made and maintained with regard to a potable water supply, sanitation, garbage disposal and electricity supply.
  • The necessary building application for the dwelling has been received and approved, with slabs laid prior to any consideration given to approving an application.

Park home, rigid annexe and free standing structures

Approval is required from the Shire before beginning works to install a park home, solid annexe, carport or any other structure within a caravan park facility.

Park home requirements

Information to include with your application:

  •  Written approval from the person licensed to run the caravan park
  •  A certificate signed and dated by a registered builder, stating that the park home has been constructed in accordance with the requirements of the building code
  •  A certificate signed and dated by a registered builder stating:
    • That the builder has built, or supervised the building of the park home
    • Construction of the park home is in accordance with the building code, with regards to the class or classes, specified on the certificate
    • The name of the person who constructed the park home and in what year
  •  A certificate signed and dated by a professional engineer stating:
    • The opinion of the engineer is that the park home will be structurally sound, if assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
    • The wind velocity that the park home has been constructed to withstand, if assembled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction
    • Chassis, axles and wheels of the park home, or each component of the park home, are adequate in structure to bear the weight of the park home. Or, the component to which they are attached if drawn by another vehicle without causing structural alteration or damage to the park home
  •  A plan of the park showing the proposed site of the park home in relation to all other sites, road and buildings. Please show exact distances on the plan.

Effluent disposal

Information to include in your application:

  •  Written statement of connection to deep sewage or details and plan showing connection into existing septic tank system and leach drains
  • Application to install a new septic tank system. 

Please refer to Installing and Maintaining an Septic Tank for application form and more information.

Rigid annex requirements

Information to include in your application:

  •  Written approval from the person licensed to run the caravan park
  •  A certificate signed and dated by a professional engineer stating:
    • The opinion of the engineer is that the annexe will be structurally sound
    • The wind velocity that the annexe has been constructed to withstand
  •  If the amount paid for the annexe exceed $20000, a certificate signed and dated by a registered builder stating:
    • That the builder has built, or supervised the building of the annexe
    • That the construction of the annexe is in accordance with the building code, with regards to the class or classes, specified on the certificate
    • The name of the person who constructed the annex and what year
  • A plan of the park showing the proposed site of the annexe in relation to all other sites, roads and buildings.

Freestanding structures

Structures are classified as freestanding if less than 10m 2 and not attached to a park home, annexe or caravan. A carport or patio that is attached or a freestanding structure that is greater than 10m 2 requires a building permit.

Information to include with your application if a building permit is not required:

  • Written approval from the person licensed to run the caravan park
  • Plans that include the manufacturers specifications, details of footings, dimensions of all materials used, engineering specifications, details of joinery and any other structural details that may be relevant
  • A plan of the park showing the proposed site of the structure in relation to all other sites, roads and buildings.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.

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