Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Overview of requirements

Under the Building Act 2011 a demolition permit is required prior to the demolition of any major structure and before the demolition takes place.

A demolition permit is not required for the demolition of incidental structures such as patios, pergolas and garden sheds.

There are also health requirements that must be complied with, particularly for removing asbestos and the decommissioning of septic tanks.

Service providers must be notified before demolition work is started, including:

Apply for a demolition permit

To apply for a demolition permit, you need to submit the following:

  • Completed Demolition Permit Application Form (BA5) and application fee (refer to Building schedule of fees and charges)
  • Copy of scaled (min 1:200) site plan, clearly showing buildings or sections to be demolished and the structures to be retained
  • Demolition Contractor Worksafe Registration or proof of a valid legislative exemption
  • A rat baiting certificate from a licensed pest control company.

You may need to submit a Notice and Request for Consent of Work Affecting Other Land form (BA20) if the proposed demolition work is likely to adversely affect adjoining land or buildings.

Note, BA5 and BA20 forms are available on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulations and Safety website.

Health requirements for septic tanks and asbestos removal

There are health requirements with regards to the demolition of buildings containing asbestos, and buildings connected to septic tanks. Buildings that are to be demolished must be rat baited and a certificate from a licensed pest control company is required to be submitted with your demolition permit.

Decommissioning of septic tanks

You may need to decommission an existing septic tank system before undertaking a demolition. To find out more refer to our Decommissioning a septic tank page.

Asbestos removal

Demolitions of buildings containing asbestos are required to have the asbestos removed in accordance with the requirements of the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992. To find our more refer to our Asbestos removal and disposal page.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.

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