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Update for short-term rental owners

Update for short-term rental owners
17 Jan 2025

Unhosted short-term rental accommodation owners are encouraged to apply for Development Approval with the Shire of Harvey before 30 June 2025.

Unhosted short-term rental accommodation owners are encouraged to apply for Development Approval with the Shire of Harvey before 30 June 2025 to benefit from an amnesty period waiving a portion of the usual application fees.

Last year, new legislation was introduced that requires owners to register with the State Government and seek Development Approval from their local government.

Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell said the Shire had already begun engaging with local owners to help them understand the process and advise on the amnesty period, which encourages early lodgement of their application.

“On 1 July 2025, the amnesty period for unhosted short-term rentals ends, reverting to the full fees,” the Shire President said.

“This may be an additional $590, so we urge owners to apply now.”

“The new legislation applies to owners who don’t live onsite, and renters have exclusive use of a

Under the new Short Term Rental Accommodation Act 2024, unhosted and hosted properties must be registered with the State Government.

Registration requirements do not apply to hotels, serviced apartments, glamping sites, caravan parks, camping grounds, farm stays or backpacker accommodation.

Ms Campbell said the Shire is promoting the Harvey Region as a visitor destination of choice and supporting a variety of accommodation types is crucial to this desire.

“To ensure visitors have a lot of fantastic places to stay in our Region, we need to make sure everything we offer is compliant with State legislation,” she said.

“If you’re unsure about something or have a question, please contact the Shire on 08 9729 0300. Otherwise, you can find the forms and helpful information by visiting our website."

Find out more here.