Fees Field Dog Exercise Area now open

Fees Field Dog Exercise Area now open
11 Jun 2024

The Fees Field Dog Exercise Area in Leschenault has opened.

The Fees Field Dog Exercise Area in Leschenault is now open to the public. 

The new area is one of 11 places in the Harvey Region that are designated play areas for dogs. 

This project was initiated after a community member provided a deputation to Council asking the Shire to consider creating more enclosed spaces for dogs.

Council agreed to consult with the community and the Shire received an overwhelmingly positive response. 

The Fees Field location was recommended as it is already gazetted as a Dog Exercise Area, there are no immediate adjoining residents and there is existing parking, seating, toilet facilities and water nearby.

Dogs in the Harvey Region are only permitted off-lead in approved Dog Exercise Areas.

Find out where else you can let your pooch on the loose here.