Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Dog Exercise Areas

Important note: Dogs must be held by a leash in all public places, unless in an approved dog exercise area listed below.

  • Reserve 43714 and 31576 known as – Lot 131 Lucy Victoria Avenue, Australind is a dog on leash area with an area of the eastern section, between Lowe Court and Mayne Way being an off leach dog exercise area. Dogs are prohibited in the playground area. (View map)
  • Lot 42 Leisure Drive, Australind – Leschenault Recreation Park – Sports Field 3 only. (View map)
  • Part of Reserve 39950, Lot 5648 Cathedral Avenue – eastern portion of Fees Field. (View map)
BinningupReserve 39587 Binningup Road, Binningup – Binningup Oval (View map)
BrunswickPt. Lots 7 and 100 Clifton Road, Brunswick – Brunswick Recreation Ground – does not include the main football arena (View map)
Clifton ParkReserve 43714 and 31576 known as – Lot 131 Lucy Victoria Avenue, Australind is a dog on leash area with an area of the eastern section, between Lowe Court and Mayne Way being an off leach dog exercise area. Dogs are prohibited in the playground area. (View map)
CookernupRecreation Reserve 17728 located on the corner of Riverdale and Marston Road, Cookernup.  The fenced off area in the south east corner of this Reserve incorporating the Cookernup Community Hall and Bush Fire Brigade is excised from the exercise area. (View map)
HarveyLot 36 Hinge Road, Harvey – Meriden Park and the Reserve Area south, excluding times when organised sports are being undertaken; the area not including Dr. Peter Topham Memorial Swimming Pool. (View map)
MyalupLot 100 Reading Road, Myalup (View map)
RoelandsPortion of Railway Reserve adjacent to Government Road, north from Colton Road to Waterloo Road (View map)
YarloopLot 412 Teasdale Street, Yarloop – Yarloop Recreation Ground (View map)