2024 Community Awards

2024 Community Awards
10 Jun 2024

View the winners of the 2024 Community Awards!

Community members who have made amazing contributions to the Harvey Region were celebrated on Wednesday, 5 June at the Shire of Harvey's 2024 Community Awards. 

The annual event, which this year took place at Binningup Country Club, recognises the achievements of community members who have volunteered at local clubs, organisations and service groups for an extended period of time.  

This year, the Shire of Harvey also awarded two Freeman of the Shire titles to Mr Mark Monagle OAM and Ms Tania Jackson. Please visit our Freeman of the Shire webpage to view their contributions. 

2024 Community Awards recipients included: 

Meritorious Award - Mark Talbot
Mr Talbot's community service includes 25 years in fire and rescue.
He's worked with both the Roelands/Olive Hill Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade and Brunswick Junction’s Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service.
Outside of his work in community safety, local sport enthusiasts will remember him as a Life Member and former President of Brunswick Tennis Club and a former coach at the HBL Football Club

Meritorious Award – Robert Newby
Mr Newby has had leadership roles across many sporting clubs, including Harvey Brunswick Football Club, Harvey Benger Cricket Club and Harvey Basketball Association.
In the late 1980s he served as Harvey Primary School P&C Committee President and shortly after he chaired a fundraising committee for the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre.
Following a heart transplant in 2018, this nominee has made himself available to South West medical students for valuable study and participated in the 2023 World Transplant Games in Bowls.

Meritorious Award – Robert William George
Mr George has dedicated 35 years of service to the Roelands Olive Hill Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade and has been a Fire Control Officer since 2003.
This contribution has earned him both a ten year medal and a 30 year medal for service to the Brigade, as well as inspired countless people to follow in his footsteps.
He is a Brunswick River Cottages Committee member, a Brunswick Lions Club member and a life member of the Brunswick Agricultural Society following an incredible 45 years of service to the group.
In 2019, Mr George also earned the Community Citizen of the Year title. 

Youth Award – Annie O’Connor
Ms O'Connor does voluntary beach patrols, teaches in the Binningup Surf Life Saving Club’s Nipper’s Program and gives presentations on first aid and beach safety.
She also volunteers in community safety roles at major coastal events like the Busselton Jetty Swim.
She has also earned a SLSA Bronze Medallion, First Aid Certificate, Advanced Resuscitation Certificate and Full Age Manager qualification and two club awards.

Appreciation Award – Paul Fonck
Mr Fonck has been the driving force behind the Leschenault Men’s Shed Expansion Project, which has helped the community organisation double in size and run more workshops.
Thanks to his efforts, the Australind Lions Club has found a new home and more men are able to join the Shed and socialise in a safe and welcoming place.
The expansion has also enabled the Men’s Shed to organise more mental and physical health presentations and support other local organisations, schools and charities on a greater scale.

Appreciation Award – Heidi Bibby
Ms Bibby is an active member of the Brunswick and Surrounding Areas Place Advisory Group and she has been an integral part of the Brunswick River Cottages project for the last three years.
Her involvement in the WA Youth Cattle Camp has helped many young people learn important agricultural skills and her work for the Brunswick Agricultural Society has supported the produce and livestock sector we hold near and dear in the Harvey Region.
Ms Bibby's role as Vice President and Trades Coordinator for the Agricultural Society is only matched by her five years of service with the St John of God WA Emergency Medical Team.

2024 Community Awards recipients with CEO Annie Riordan and Shire President Michelle Campbell
2024 Community Awards recipients with CEO Annie Riordan and Shire President Michelle Campbell
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Robert William George with Deputy Shire President Cr John Bromham
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Robert William George with Deputy Shire President Cr John Bromham
Appreciation Award recipient Mr Paul Fonck with Cr Robyn Coleman
Appreciation Award recipient Mr Paul Fonck with Cr Robyn Coleman
Youth Award recipient Ms Annie O'Connor with Cr Joe Capogreco
Youth Award recipient Ms Annie O'Connor with Cr Joe Capogreco
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Mark Talbot with Cr Craig Carbone
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Mark Talbot with Cr Craig Carbone
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Robert Newby with Cr Michelle Boylan
Meritorious Award recipient Mr Robert Newby with Cr Michelle Boylan
Shire President Michelle Campbell with the Welsh sisters, who are recieving the Freeman of the Shire title on behalf of Peter Monagle OAM
Shire President Michelle Campbell with the Welsh sisters, who are recieving the Freeman of the Shire title on behalf of Peter Monagle OAM
Appreciation Award recipient Ms Heidi Bibby with Cr Alicia Hitchcock
Appreciation Award recipient Ms Heidi Bibby with Cr Alicia Hitchcock
Senior Elder Mr Dennis Jetta OAM
Senior Elder Mr Dennis Jetta OAM
David Marshall and Suzie Marshall
David Marshall and Suzie Marshall
Cr Michelle Boylan and Suzie Haslehurst
Cr Michelle Boylan and Suzie Haslehurst
Rick Lotznicker, Georgia Cripps and Mark Newman
Rick Lotznicker, Georgia Cripps and Mark Newman
Freeman of the Shire recipient Tania Jackson with daughter Steph
Freeman of the Shire recipient Tania Jackson with daughter Steph