Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Freeman of the Shire

The title “Freeman of the Shire” is the highest honour that the Shire of Harvey can bestow on any person.

This Honour is to recognise and acknowledge the exceptional contributions made by the individual to the community as a representative of Local Government and/or longstanding involvement in the community and/or community service organisations.

Read the Shire of Harvey Honours and Awards Policy here.


Freeman of the Shire recipients

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On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 Ms Tania Jackson was awarded Freeman of the Shire.

She was first elected to Council in 1997 and retired in 2023 after more than 26 years of service.

This includes serving as Deputy Shire President between 2003 and 2011 and as Shire President between 2011 and 2019.

Her work for the Harvey Region has been extensive, with particular focus on advancing the Shire across planning, tourism, recreation, environment and emergency management.

Some highlights include her term as Board Member on the South West Development Commission, Chair of the South West Regional Planning Committee, Chair of the Morrissey Homestead Adult Day Respite Centre and as Deputy Delegate for the Bunbury Wellington Economic Alliance.

She was particularly passionate about spotlighting our amazing beaches, hinterland and vibrant townscapes through tourism initiatives, which she supported through her work with Tourism South West and the South West Tapestry Tourism Marketing Group.

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On Wednesday, 5 June 2024 Mr Peter Monagle OAM was awarded Freeman of the Shire.

Mr Monagle is a member of the Order of Australia and a former Shire Councillor.

First elected to Council in 1996, his mark on the Shire includes developing Leschenault Recreation Park and Leschenault Leisure Centre, establishing a modern depot, championing townscape projects across Harvey, Yarloop and Brunswick Junction as well as community and water sports centres in both Myalup and Binningup.

His advocacy for the community at the State Government level played a key part in the establishment of Kingston Primary School in Australind, as well as an underground power and major streetscaping project that revitalised Brunswick Junction.

Brunswick Junction would again benefit from this recipient’s passion and drive during the initial development of the Brunswick River Cottages, an aged-care project which the Shire continues to deliver on.

Previous recipients

John Sabourne OAM

On 24 November 2017, John Sabourne OAM JP was announced as the Shire of Harvey’s first Freeman.

Mr Sabourne was given the honour for his decades of community work, having retired from Council in 2017 after 36 years, including 10 years as Shire President.

Mr Sabourne has life memberships at the Brunswick Parents and Citizens Association, Bunbury and Districts Junior Football Association, Harvey Brunswick Leschenault Junior Football Council, Harvey Brunswick Football Club, South West Umpires Association and the WA Local Government Association.

Mr Sabourne has also been a Justice of the Peace since 1984 and in 2015 was made a member of the Order of Australia.