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Ticking boxes for Shire of Harvey Youth

Ticking boxes for Shire of Harvey Youth
26 May 2023

The Shire of Harvey has implemented all major items identified in the Youth Strategy 2021-2026.

The Shire of Harvey is increasingly tapping into the creativity and aspirations of young people through the Youth Strategy 2021-2026

Adopted by Council in 2021, the Strategy is a robust response to the current and future needs of people aged 10 to 18.

The Shire has actioned all priority projects named in the document, including:

  • Establish a Youth Advisory Council 
    The Shire of Harvey Youth Collective has been running for two years. Young people involved have been important to planning YouthChella, school holiday programs and other events
  • Develop and implement an annual youth survey
    The Shire of Harvey developed and distributed the Voices of our Youth Survey which has recieved more than 200 responses. 
  • Provide opportunities for apprenticeships and traineeships in Shire operations
    Two Youth Trainees have been appointed and the Shire has been providing opportunities for children undergoing Work Experience. 
  • Activate strategic Shire locations to positively engage youth
    The Shire has organised fun activities in the recreation space, including school holiday events, skate park events and SportDaze 2022.
  • Develop an iconic Youth Week festival at Ridley Place Foreshore
    The Shire of Harvey has hosted YouthChella at Ridley Place Foreshore in Australind twice, which has been attended by hundreds of young people. 

These priority projects contribute to the Youth Strategy's mission, which is to consult with, empower and support young people who live in and visit the Harvey Region.

To learn how your children can get involved, contact the Community Development team on 9729 0339 or email.