Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Crossovers, Verges and Street Trees


A crossover refers to the section of the driveway that extends from the road to the property boundary.

Approval to construct, replace or modify a crossover

You will need to obtain approval prior to construct, replace or modify a crossover.

The Shire has Standard Conditions and Specifications and Standard Drawings that must be followed when designing and constructing your crossover.

The Shire offers a contribution towards the cost of the first crossover to be built at a property.  To qualify for the contribution, the crossover must be constructed in accordance with the Shire’s standard requirements (see documents below). Replacement or additional crossovers to the same property are not eligible for a Shire contribution.

To apply, complete and submit the form below. Please nominate on this form if you are applying to construct a crossover, claim a Shire contribution or both.

Please note, the ongoing maintenance of a crossover is the responsibility of the adjacent landowner.


The verge is the area of land within the road reserve and is located between the constructed road and the property boundary.

The verge area is created for a range of uses.

  • To provide a safe pedestrian space and paths
  • To allow vehicle access to properties (crossovers)
  • To accommodates public service utilities eg. street lighting, water, gas and telecommunications.

It is normally not intended for regular parking.

Verge maintenance responsibilities

Maintenance of the verge is the responsibility of the adjoining property owner. This includes tasks such as mowing, weeding, pruning and mulching.

Verge development

Owners are permitted to develop the verge in compliance the Shire’s Verge Development Guidelines (see below).

Any gardens installed must not impede visibility for pedestrians or motorists.  They also must allow access to all service utilities.

Any surfaces or structures installed must not be a hazard for pedestrians or postal service motorcycles and other road users.  For example, hazards may include slipping on loose gravel, tripping over raised objects or detouring onto the road to avoid obstructions.

Street trees

Street trees in residential areas are planted and managed by the Shire of Harvey.

To request street tree maintenance eg. pruning, please contact us.

For after hour’s storm damage please contact the Shire of Harvey Rangers on 9729 0300.

More information and contacts

For more information about crossovers, verges, stormwater or street trees, please contact us.

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