Local government provides essential services to the community at a local level. This means there are some things we can provide, some things we can advocate for, and some things that are outside of our influence.
The MARKYT Community Scorecard will seek your feedback and priorities on Shire of Harvey service delivery across our four key areas of influence:
- Local Assets: Local infrastructure that the Shire owns and is responsible for, such as local roads, public buildings, and parks.
- Discretionary Services: These are our community building activities, which we provide to meet local needs. These are sometimes done in partnership with State of Federal government, the private sector or community groups. They include libraries, arts and culture, sports, and reconciliation.
- Compliance Services: These are services Local Governments are required to provide to ensure local laws, policies and regulations are followed, such as planning, heritage and waste management.
- Advocacy: These are the things we ask state or federal government to provide us with. They include police, hospitals, schools, telecommunications and state roads.
More examples of these services are shown in the graphic below.