Prohibited Burning Period until midnight 14 March 2025

All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA.

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Deputations, Petitions and Public Question Time


Prior to the agenda of a Briefing Session being discussed by Elected Members, members of the public are provided with an opportunity to make a deputation at the Briefing Session. (View Briefing Session dates)

Members of the public wishing to make a deputation at a Briefing Session may make a written request to the Chief Executive Officer by 10am on the day of the scheduled Agenda Briefing session.

Submit a Deputation Request form.

Public question time

The Shire encourages public participation in its decision-making process through the asking of questions at Ordinary Council meetings. Questions at an Ordinary Council meeting can relate to any matter the Shire has responsibility for.

Members of the public wishing to submit a question may make a written request to the Chief Executive Officer by 10am on the day of the scheduled Ordinary Council meeting by using the form below.

Submit a Public Question Time form.

View meeting dates


A petition is a request for action. Any elector or group of electors may petition the council to take action. However, the subject of a petition must be a matter on which the council has the power to act.

An elector is a person who owns or occupies rateable property within the Shire of Harvey and is eligible to vote in local and state elections.

All petitions must:

  • Be addressed to the Council
  • Be respectful and temperate in its language
  • Set out a concise statement of facts and the action sought
  • State the name, address and signature of all electors making the request, including date of signature
  • Set out the name and address of the petition initiator.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.

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