The Council extends a warm welcome to you in attending any meeting of Council.
An opportunity is provided at every Agenda Briefing, Council and Committee meeting for members of the public and organisations to give a presentation or deputation to Council, or to present a petition or submission pertaining to the operations of the Shire.
DeputationsThe Council will receive deputations on any matter to be considered by Council which is listed on the agenda of the meeting at which the item is to be discussed. Any member of the public who has an interest in the matter can make a deputation to Council or a Committee, but prior notice must be given to the CEO before the meeting.
As a courtesy to Council, notice of deputations need to be given by the close of business on the day preceding the Agenda Briefing, Council or Committee meeting. This enables all Councillors to be informed at the start of the meeting of the deputations and the Presiding Member (Shire President at Council meetings) can take into account the number of deputations being made in terms of the orderly progression and conduct of the meeting.
Where a deputation has been agreed to, the Presiding Member will during the meeting call upon the relevant persons who have given notice for a deputation to come forward and address Council. A brief summary of the deputation will be recorded in the minutes of the Council/Committee meeting at which the deputation takes place. It is important to note that a full recital will not be recorded in the minutes.
Deputations are expected to be concise and not be more than 10 minutes. At the end of your deputation the Presiding Member will ask Councillors if they have any questions of you or other parties, in order that they may clarify any points for Council.