Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Deputations, Petitions and Public Question Time

The Council extends a warm welcome to you in attending any meeting of Council.

An opportunity is provided at every Agenda Briefing, Council and Committee meeting for members of the public and organisations to give a presentation or deputation to Council, or to present a petition or submission pertaining to the operations of the Shire.


The Council will receive deputations on any matter to be considered by Council which is listed on the agenda of the meeting at which the item is to be discussed.  Any member of the public who has an interest in the matter can make a deputation to Council or a Committee, but prior notice must be given to the CEO before the meeting.

As a courtesy to Council, notice of deputations need to be given by the close of business on the day preceding the Agenda Briefing, Council or Committee meeting.  This enables all Councillors to be informed at the start of the meeting of the deputations and the Presiding Member (Shire President at Council meetings) can take into account the number of deputations being made in terms of the orderly progression and conduct of the meeting.

Where a deputation has been agreed to, the Presiding Member will during the meeting call upon the relevant persons who have given notice for a deputation to come forward and address Council.  A brief summary of the deputation will be recorded in the minutes of the Council/Committee meeting at which the deputation takes place.  It is important to note that a full recital will not be recorded in the minutes.

Deputations are expected to be concise and not be more than 10 minutes.  At the end of your deputation the Presiding Member will ask Councillors if they have any questions of you or other parties, in order that they may clarify any points for Council.

Find out how to submit your Deputation

In the interests of accuracy and to assist the administrative Staff please provide a dot point summary of the main points to be addressed.

Please note your address, email and phone will be kept confidential.

1. Any person or group wishing to be received as a deputation by the Council is to either ...
  1. apply, before the meeting, to the CEO for approval; or
  2. with the approval of the Presiding Member, at the meeting, address the Council.
2. The CEO may either ...
  1. approve the request and invite the deputation to attend a meeting of the Council; or
  2. refer the request to the Council to decide by simple majority whether or not to receive the deputation.
3. Unless the Council resolves otherwise, a deputation invited to attend a Council meeting ...
  1. is not to exceed 5 persons, only 2 of whom may address the Council, although others may respond to specific questions from Members;
  2. is not to address the Council for a period exceeding 10 minutes without the agreement of the Council; and,
  3. additional members of the deputation may be allowed to speak with the leave of the Presiding Member.
  4. Any matter which is the subject of a deputation to the Council is not to be decided by the Council until the deputation has completed its presentation.

Public question time

An opportunity for members of the public to ask questions pertaining to the operations of the Shire and receive responses to them, is provided at every Council and Committee meeting.

Questions asked at a Special Council or Committee meeting are restricted to matters relating to the purpose of the meeting or the items listed on the agenda.

For the purpose of the order in which questions are presented to Council, priority will be given to those who have registered their intention to do so prior to the commencement of the meeting and who have submitted their questions in writing.

Registering a question

A person wishing to ask a question is requested to register their interest with the Shire’s administration prior to the commencement of the meeting.  Some questions may require prior research and the provision of the question before the meeting will assist in providing a comprehensive response.

  1. A person must state name and address, be present in person and direct all questions to the presiding person.  A member of the public shall have two minutes to submit a question.
  2. Each member of the public with a question is entitled to ask up to two (2) questions before other members of the public will be invited to ask their questions
  3. Where a member of the public provides written questions, the Presiding Member may elect for the questions to be responded to as normal business correspondence.
  4. Persons are permitted to preface a question with one or two introductory statements that establishes the context and basis for the question, provided these statements are relevant and kept brief.  In general, statements and other expressions of opinions will not be accepted.  An exception is where a person draws Council’s attention to an error of fact in the meeting agenda and/or an officer’s report.
  5. The duration of public question time is 15 minutes, or less if all questions have been dealt with.  Any additional extension beyond 15 minutes is subject to a formal Council resolution approving an extension.
  6. Written questions will be given priority, but verbal questions will be received at the meeting.

Question time is limited. Please keep question(s) relevant and succinct.  No comment is permitted or debate is to be entered into after a response has been provided.

Recording of questions

A summary of all admissible questions submitted, and the responses provided, will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, including the names of the questioners.


A petition is to be addressed to the President; made by electors of the district; and be in the required format.  The Council will not vote on any matter that is the subject of a petition presented to that meeting, unless the matter is the subject of a report included in the Agenda; and the Council has considered the issues raised in the petition.

Upon receiving a petition, Council will refer the matter to the relevant Council Officer to be considered and reported on at a subsequent meeting of Council.

All petitions must ...
  1. Be addressed to the Council
  2. Be respectful and temperate in its language
  3. Set out a concise statement of facts and the action sought
  4. State the name, address and signature of all electors making the request, including date of signature
  5. Set out the name and address of the petition initiator.
1. A petition is to ...
  1. be addressed to the President;
  2. be made by electors of the district;
  3. state the request on each page of the petition;
  4. contain the name, address and signature of each elector making the request, and the date each elector signed;
  5. contain a summary of the reasons for the request; and
  6. state the name of the person to whom, and an address at which, notice to the petitioners can be given.
2. Upon receiving a petition, the local government is to ...

Upon receiving a petition, the local government is to submit the petition to the relevant Officer to be included in his or her deliberations and report on the matter that is the subject of the petition, subject to subclause (3).

3. At any meeting, the Council is not to vote on any matter that is the subject of a petition presented to that meeting, unless ...
  1. the matter is the subject of a report included in the agenda; and
  2. the Council has considered the issues raised in the petition.


A presentation may be made to the Council at a meeting only with the prior approval of the CEO.  In relation to Council meetings, a presentation means the acceptance of a gift or an award by the Council on behalf of the local government or community.

More information and contacts

For more information please contact us.

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