Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Conduct and Ethics

The Shire of Harvey is serious about preventing misconduct, corruption and fraud. The Shire has a separate code of conduct for elected members and employees in their dealings with the community and others; and a statement of business ethics to manage our relations with suppliers. 

Code of Conduct Council Members

Recent changes to the Local Government Act 1995 saw the introduction of the Local Government (Model Code of Conduct) Regulations 2021, which took effect on 3 February 2021. The purpose of the Model Code of Conduct is to provide clear guidelines for an acceptable standard of ethical and responsible conduct. It focuses on ethical responsibility and encourages greater transparency and accountability. 

The Shire of Harvey Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates sets the standards for the behaviour and conduct in line with the Model Code.

Complaints of an alleged breach of the Code of Conduct by an Elected Member must be made in writing by completing the Complaint About Alleged Breach Form in reference to the Code of Conduct for Council Members, Committee Members and Election Candidates Complaints Policy.

All complaints that result in a finding that a minor breach has occurred, under Section 5.110(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995, will be published in the Shire's Complaints Register

The Minor Breach System

The minor breach system is part of the disciplinary framework for Council Members in Western Australia under the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act). The system responds to and deters conduct by Council Members that disrupts the effective functioning of their Local Government.

This guide has been produced by the department to assist Council Members, complaints officers and members of the community to understand the system and how it works. The Act grants the responsibility for dealing with minor breaches to the Local Government Standards Panel (the Panel) and not the complaints officers. 

For more information on the minor breach system please visit the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Public Interest Disclosure (PID) 

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003 (PID Act) allows people to make disclosures about wrongdoing in public authorities, which includes the State public sector, local governments, government trading enterprises, public universities and some government boards and committees. The Shire of Harvey does not condone corrupt or other improper conduct, including mismanagement of public resources, in the exercise of the public function of the Shire, its Officers, employees and contractors. The Shire will take all reasonable steps to provide protection to those who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in retaliation for the making of a PID.

To make a PID please fill out the Public Interest Disclosure Lodgement Form and email it to the Shire's designated PID Officer, Kourtney Williams Manager Governance and Strategy.

The Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines provides for the manner in which the shire will comply with its obligations under the PID Act.

For more information on public interest disclosures for disclosers please visit the Public Sector Commission Website.

Delegated Complaints Officers

  • Annie Riordan - Chief Executive Officer.
  • Dean Winter - Director Corporate Services.
  • Kourtney Williams - Manager Governance and Strategy .

Shire of Harvey PID Officer

Kourtney Williams - Manager Governance and Strategy - email or call 9729 0301.

More Information

Contact the Shire  by email or call 9729 0300.