Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Compostable Kitchen Caddy Bags

Redeem Your Voucher for Additional Bags

This financial year, households will receive a voucher on their annual waste calendar, which can be exchanged for two rolls of 75 compostable bags.

As we have a finite supply of compostable bags each year, we will not be able to replace your voucher if you lose it. If you have lost your voucher, please see the Alternative Options to Using FOGO Kitchen Caddy Bags below.

Compostable Kitchen Caddy Bag Collection Points

Display your voucher at any of the following locations to redeem your compostable bags:

  • Administration Centres (Harvey and Australind).
  • Leschenault Leisure Centre (LLC).
  • Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre.

Alternative Options to Using FOGO Kitchen Caddy Bags

You do not have to use compostable bags in your FOGO kitchen caddy. There are many ways you can use your FOGO kitchen caddy to collect organics for composting:

  • Substitutes: Use newspaper or paper towels as an alternative to the compostable bags.
  • Purchase compostable liners:  You can buy compostable liners from Woolworths, Coles, FoodWorks, and Bunnings or online from Cardia Bioproducts, Compost-A-Pak and BioBag World. Only buy compostable liners that display the Certified Australian Standard logos and numbers. Biodegradable liners still contain plastic and break down into micro plastics which are harmful to all living things, pollute the environment and contaminate the FOGO compost.
  • No liner: Go without a liner and instead wash your caddy regularly.

More Information and Contacts

For more information on bin collections, including request for a commercial bin service, please contact us.

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