Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Hairdressing and Beauty Businesses



Procedures performed by hairdressing operators (e.g. hair cutting) present minimal risk to public health. The transmission of blood borne viruses and infections is considered to be low risk for standard hair cutting procedures, and the transmission of head lice can be managed by following basic procedures and complying with the Guideline for the management of public health risks associated with the hairdressing and barber industry . Haircutting does not involve penetrating the client’s skin, unlike a tattoo or body piercing.

Basic hygiene precautions are required such as:

  • washing hands
  • keeping the premise clean and tidy and
  • washing instruments between use to help to minimise the spread of infections. 

Accidentally nicking or cutting a client with scissors or clippers may pose a risk of infection, although minimal and can be easily managed by appropriately cleaning and disinfecting equipment after use. Issues related to the use of single use cut throat razors, or beauty therapy procedures will continue to be addressed by the Health (Skin Penetration Procedures) Regulations 1998 (external site), under the definition of skin penetration procedure. 

Beauty and skin penetration

A skin penetration procedure is any procedure that involves the tearing, cutting, puncturing or shaving of the skin and includes services such as:

  • acupuncture
  • beauty treatments (such as waxing)
  • body piercing
  • cosmetic enhancements
  • tattooing

Infection prevention and control is important so that you do not transmit a disease or infection to yourself or your clients. The skin penetration legislation and Code of Practice helps those involved in these industries to comply with requirements in the:

Application process

To operate a skin penetration or Hairdressing establishment you must:

It is mandatory for a hairdressing or skin penetration operator to comply with legislation. The operator must satisfy minimum standards of infection control such as basic hygiene, disinfection and sterilisation requirements. The owner of an establishment who fails to comply with the regulations or the code may be fined up to $1,000, plus daily penalties.

The Shire’s Environmental Health Officers may periodically inspect these establishments to confirm that these health and hygiene standards are being followed.

More information and contacts

For more information on trading in public places, please contact us.