Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Climate Change Declaration


Climate change will continue to have significant effects on the Western Australian environment, society and economy, with impacts felt at the local government level. The Shire of Harvey acknowledges that human behaviours, pollution and consumption patterns have both immediate and future impacts on the climate and environment, and that as a local government it is part of our role to mitigate and manage these impacts on our community. 

This Declaration establishes our position on climate change, and outlines our commitments to addressing climate change, which are further expanded upon in our Mitigation Action Plan.

The Shire of Harvey supports the environmental, social and economic benefits of addressing climate change immediately. We see an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in climate change management at a community level and support the development of equitable and implementable State and Commonwealth strategies for climate change management.

Council endorsed the Climate Change Declaration in August 2022. 


The Shire of Harvey recognises that climate change is occurring, and that climate change will continue to have a significant effect on the Western Australia environment, society and economy. 

We acknowledge the central role of Local Government in driving a successful climate response. Hence, we declare that we are committed to addressing climate change within our Local Government area, through the implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies to minimise the effects on our community, environment and economy.

Our overall objectives are to demonstrate climate leadership, reduce our corporate emissions and build the resilience of our Shire to climate change.

View the Shire of Harvey Climate Change Declaration.


Water Corporation

We have been recognised as a Waterwise Council through the Waterwise Council Program - an initiative of Water Corporation and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation to help local governments adopt more water-efficient practices. The Waterwise Council program endorses council working towards managing water resources more efficiently and effectively.


We worked with the RAC WA to supply electric vehicle charging station in Harvey with green energy. The charging station in Harvey forms part of Australia's first RAC Electric Highway which features 16 locations with 12 ultra-rapid or fast charging options connecting Perth with the South West. 

The RAC Electric Highway aims to help reduce harmful emissions from cars in WA and supports our work towards a safer, more sustainable and better connected WA.

Carbon Positive Australia

The Shire partnered with Carbon Positive Australia to offset our fleet emissions and contribute towards tree planting and restoration projects, which offer both carbon sequestration and nature positive benefits with high-value ecological plantings.

The Shire values the importance of climate change mitigation efforts in protecting the natural environment and the people that live in it.

Carbon Positive Australia, a non-profit environmental charity based in Western Australia, has created a free step-by-step online calculator that will help you understand your personal carbon footprint and provides facts, tips and practical steps to reduce your emissions. 

Calculate your carbon footprint.