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Celebrate Australia Day 2025

Celebrate Australia Day 2025
20 Jan 2025

Find out where to celebrate Australia Day on Sunday, 26 January 2025!


Where: Ridley Place Foreshore, Australind, starting at 7.30am.

Breakfast cost: Adults and children - $8.

This event will include Community Citizen of the Year awards, local entertainers, games and a cooked breakfast that can be purchased at the event. It is organised by the Australind Lions Club and supported by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council.


Where: Tom Pearson Pavilion at 7.30am.

Breakfast cost: Gold coin donation.

This event will include Community Citizen of the Year awards and is organised by the Brunswick Junction Lions Club.


Where: Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre, Tom Latch Drive, Harvey, starting at 7am.

Breakfast cost: Adults - $5 

This event will include a Citizenship Ceremony, Community Citizen of the Year awards, local entertainers, and a cooked breakfast that can be purchased at the event. It is organised by the Harvey Australia Day Breakfast Committee and supported by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council.

Want to continue the Australia Day fun? The City of Bunbury is hosting Skyfest 2025 on Sunday, 26 January. Please find an event program and a bus service running to and from Australind here.