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Have Your Say on tree removal in Holbrook Road, Australind.

Have Your Say on tree removal in Holbrook Road, Australind.
09 Sep 2024

Submit your feedback by 4pm Monday, 23 September 2024.

Would you like all 42 verge trees in Holbrook Road, Australind, removed? HAVE YOUR SAY.  


There are a number of large Spotted Gum trees growing along Holbrook Road, Australind, located in the Kingston Estate. The trees were planted by the developer (circa 2000) and are located both in the median strip and on the road verge. 

On Thursday, 6 June 2024 a localised severe weather event severely damaged a large number of trees
in the street. Two trees were uprooted and fell on two homes.

The severe weather also caused damage to other private assets including boundary
fencing. During the clean-up, a number of residents raised concerns relating to the remaining trees.

The Shire engaged an arborist to undertake a full assessment of the remaining trees and prepare a report with recommendations on a way forward.

After the Shire received the report, two options were considered:

1) implement the report findings


2) remove all 42 verge trees (and not replant) and retain all the trees along the median strip and possibly plant some additional trees in the median.

Council considered these options at the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday, 27 August 2024.

The following decision was made. That Council: 

  • Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to advise residents, that the Arborist’s Recommendation,which is not negotiable and will be undertaken as a minimum due to the high level of risk identified by the Arborist, would comprise of the following: (Plan A)

    Removal of 15 verge trees and replanting more suitable species.
    Removal of 10 verge trees and not replanting in that location.
    Retaining 17 verge trees and reassessing these in 12 months.
  • Authorises the Chief Executive Officer to:
    Consult with residents of Holbrook Road in Australind to seek their feedback on the alternative option which would comprise the removal of all 42 existing verge trees and the retention of all trees currently planted in the median including planting additional trees in the median where appropriate. (Plan B)
    Prepare a further report to Council at the conclusion of the consultation period.

Submit your feedback by 4pm Monday, 23 September 2024.

  • Via post – Provide your comments and post it to the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 500, Harvey WA 6220; or
  • Via email - Addressed to the Director Infrastructure Services at with a reference to the “Holbrook Road - Tree Removal and Replacement”.

For further information please contact the Shire’s Manager Parks Services on (08) 9729 0300.