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Development underway at Brunswick River Cottages

Development underway at Brunswick River Cottages
28 Mar 2024

The Brunswick River Cottages Project has continued to take shape following a stakeholder meeting on Wednesday, 27 March 2024.

The Shire of Harvey welcomed Minister for Housing The Hon John Carey MLA to Brunswick Junction on Wednesday, 27 March, to view and celebrate Stage 3 construction progress at the Brunswick River Cottages site.

The Project is a social and affordable housing development designed to support older community members living in Brunswick Junction.

Stakeholders met at the project site to discuss the development’s progress, including Minister Carey, Robyn Clarke MLA, Regional Executive Director for Department of Communities Brendan Mooney, Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell, Shire of Harvey CEO Annie Riordan, Prosser Built Director Dave Prosser, Shire of Harvey Councillors and Brunswick River Cottages Committee representatives.

So far, four slabs have been formed and another four have been poured. Walls have also been installed on two of the structures.

Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell said she was delighted to see significant strides made at the site and discuss next steps with project partners.

“It is wonderful to see momentum at the site – works are well underway,” Ms Campbell said.

“I want to thank The Hon John Carey MLA and Robyn Clarke MLA for meeting with Shire leadership and community stakeholders today.

“Their support has been critical to the Shire’s plan for an age-friendly Brunswick Junction and will enable older people to live and thrive in the community for longer.”

So far, the Brunswick River Cottages site has 19 independent living units purposefully built to support older community members.

Minister for Housing The Hon John Carey MLA said the Cook Government was doing everything it could to bolster the supply of housing throughout the State.

“The 12 new homes are being built by under a partnership between Brunswick River Cottages and the Shire of Harvey, through a nearly $5 million grant from the Cook Labor Government,” Minister Carey said.

“These new homes are being delivered as a direct result of our Government’s record $2.6 billion investment in housing and homeless measures.”

Committee Chair Joanne Norton said the final stage of the Brunswick River Cottages will reflect the existing units with 12 additional units and a communal meeting space for residents.

"The design of the new units will be a direct reflection of the existing19 rental units, that being 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom with spacious open-plan kitchen / living area," Ms Norton said. 

Robyn Clarke MLA said the WA Cook Labor Government’s investment would bring an increasingly diverse housing stock to Brunswick Junction and support community members ageing in place.

“This is a substantial investment in housing and community welfare,” Ms Clarke said.

“I am thrilled to see this development move forward and I’m proud all three stages of works have been funded by the WA Labor Government.”

The Shire of Harvey has committed $1.2 million in funding for the Brunswick River Cottages Project.

The development is expected to be completed by June, 2025.