Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Binningup Oval parking upgrade

Binningup Oval parking upgrade
13 Jun 2024

Upgrade works will take place at the existing bus bays located along Binningup Rd, adjacent to the Sports Oval in July 2024.

As part of the proposed Landscape, Information Bay and Parking Upgrade Project for the Binningup Oval, the Shire of Harvey have appointed Carbone Bros to complete upgrade works to the existing bus bays located along Binningup Rd, adjacent to the Sports Oval.

The works comprise the conversion of the eastern Bus Bay to 20 perpendicular vehicle Parking Bays.

The Bus Bay to the west will be formalised with new kerbing, linemarking and additional footpaths connecting all the new parking bays to the existing footpath passing through the sports oval.

Carbone Bros intend to commence construction works on 1 July and have advised that construction works would take approximately 3 weeks to complete, weather permitting.

Traffic management will be put into place to protect pedestrian and motorists travelling around the site.

Carbone Bros will also do a letter drop prior to commencement of works confirming start-up date and providing contact details in the event residents have concerns or complaints.