Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Rates Q&A

Rates Q&A
24 Jul 2024

Get your Rates questions answered.

Q – Have Rates increased?

A – Yes. The Shire of Harvey has issued a 7 per cent General Residential Rates increase for the 2024-2025 financial year.

Q – Why have Rates increased?

A – Simply put, it has become more expensive to pay for products and labour. The Shire of Harvey manages a $820 million asset portfolio that to a large extent is supported by Ratepayer funding. Every year the Shire undertakes maintenance to keep these assets safe and useable (think road resurfacing or building upgrades) and it now costs more to pay for this.

Q – How does this increase compare to neighbouring local

A – The Shire understands that neighbouring local governments have increased, or intend to increase, their Rates this financial year by similar amounts.

Q – What is the Shire doing to be fiscally responsible?

A – The Shire’s Executive Leadership Team and Council workshopped the 2024-2025 Budget on 25 June and 1 July. During these workshops, the Shire and Council discussed non-essential projects identified in the Forward Capital Works Plan that could be excluded from the Budget. A number of non-essential projects were deferred to improve cost savings. These items will be considered in a future Budget.

Q – What if I’m struggling to pay my Rates?

A – The Shire of Harvey recognises that some Ratepayers may experience financial hardship. To support these community members, the Shire offers personalised and confidential assistance. For more information, please review Policy 2.2.2 – Financial Hardship.

What if I have more questions?

Please visit our Rates FAQ page or email