Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Rates FAQs

When does the rate year run and when will new rates be issued?
  • A rating year is the same as the financial year, 1 July to 30 June.
  • Rate notices can be issued any time after 1 July. However, the Shire of Harvey typically issue rates in August with a due date in September. It is recommended if you haven’t received your rates notice by the middle of September you query this with the Rates team.
Where does the money go? Or, how are my rates spent?
  • Rates are used to build and maintain roads, parks, gardens, beaches, recreation and sporting facilities and to operate other local community services, see the graphic below explaining how your rates are spent.
  • View the Shire's Annual Budget for more information.

How do property values impact my rates?
  • The video below produced by WA Local Government Association explains the relationship between property prices and council rates.

Can I prepay my rates?
  • The Shire of Harvey understands it is sometimes easier to spread out larger bills by paying smaller more frequent payments. If you wish to make any payments towards your rates before they are raised, you are more than welcome. These payments will appear on your notice as a pre-payment.
How can I check my account balance?

You can obtain a balance by calling the Rates team on 9729 0310.

Can I object to paying my rates?
  • It is possible for you to object to your property’s rate record in two circumstances:
    • If you are not the owner of the property for which you have received a rate notice.
    • You believe your property is non-rateable. For more information on non-rateable properties please refer to the Local Government Act 1995, section 6.26.
  • You can appeal your rate notice by contacting the Shire on 9729 0310 within 42 days for your rate notice being issued.
  • Objections to your property’s valuation should be directed to Landgate within 60 days of your rate notice being issued. Call 9273 7373 or visit Landgate.
  • See the reverse of your rate notice for more information.
I am going to sell my property but I still have a rates balance to pay or my account is in credit?
  • Your account balance or credit will be handled by the settlement agency. They will instruct you on your required payments or how to obtain a refund.
Why have I received an interim rates account?
  • If there is a change which affects the amount of rates owing on a property, the owner will be issued with an interim rates notice. The most common reasons interim notices are issued is,
    • A new property/subdivision
    • A new house/building completed
    • Waste/rubbish service charge
    • Demolition of a building
    • Additions/extensions to a home/building
  • Understanding your interim rates brochure.
Can I remove my deceased spouse from my notice?
  • Unfortunately, the rating database must match the certificate of title.
  •  If you have changed the ownership details with the title office, please advise the Shire immediately so we can correct our system.