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Council adopts the 2024-2025 Budget

Council adopts the 2024-2025 Budget
24 Jul 2024

The $98.2 million package will deliver a number of critical improvements to community infrastructure.

Council has refocused ratepayer funding on key projects and core services this financial year, after endorsing a tight and sharp annual Budget at the 23 July Ordinary Council Meeting yesterday.

The $98.2 million package will deliver a number of critical improvements to community infrastructure as well as progress highly anticipated developments like aged-living project Brunswick River Cottages and the Yarloop Workshops.

Other highlights include sport and recreation facility upgrades across Binningup, Brunswick Junction, Australind and Harvey, and accessible playground design funding requested by local families earlier this year.

Shire President Michelle Campbell said ratepayers could also expect improvements to the road network in Australind and Myalup and self-supporting loan funding set aside for the Leschenault Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade.

“Council and the Shire’s Executive Leadership Team have workshopped a Budget that packs a punch while managing the cost of living pressures the Harvey Region and communities across Australia are facing,” the Shire President said.

“This Budget is fiscally responsible and trims non-essential items, which Council will consider in future, and largely powers the services ratepayers expect from local government.

“This includes funding our libraries, recreation centres, waste facilities, roadworks, parks, gardens and public safety initiatives.

“However, there are also significant capital works projects being delivered.”

The 2024-2025 Budget was endorsed after two thorough review sessions during which the Shire’s Executive Leadership Team and Council explored and implemented cost savings.

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Please view the 2024-2025 Budget Highlights here.