All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA.
Expressions of Interest are invited for the purchase of abandoned vehicles that have been impounded.
Expressions of Interest are invited for the purchase of the following abandoned vehicles that have been impounded, pursuant to the Local Government Act 1995.
Vehicles maybe inspected by appointment only. Please contact Waste and Safety Services at the Shire of Harvey on 9729 0333 during business hours to arrange an appointment or to obtain a copy of the Expression of Interest Form. Expression of Interest can be submitted by email to with subject ‘Impounded Vehicles’, posted to the Shire of Harvey, PO Box 500 Harvey in a sealed envelope marked ‘Impounded Vehicles’ or hand delivered to the Australind or Harvey Administration Offices. Expressions of Interest close at 4pm on Tuesday, 13 February 2024. Annie Riordan Chief Executive Officer