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Community discouraged from swimming at Brunswick Pool

Community discouraged from swimming at Brunswick Pool
08 Jan 2024

The Shire of Harvey is urging the community to avoid swimming in Brunswick Pool after a free-living amoeba was detected during a routine water quality test.

The Shire of Harvey is urging the community to avoid swimming in Brunswick Pool after a free-living amoeba called Naegleria fowleri was detected during a routine water quality test.

This amoeba, which lives in fresh water and damp soil, was discovered today, 8 January. Signage has already been installed to warn visitors at the Pool.

If water containing Naegleria fowleri is inhaled through the nose, it can cause a rare infection known as Amoebic meningitis.

Children are most at risk of this infection.

As a precautionary measure, the Shire’s Environmental Health Services team have placed signs around the affected area to discourage visitors from swimming.

The risk of contracting amoebic meningitis is low, and the signs are a proactive measure to ensure public safety.

The Environmental Health Services team will continue to monitor the Brunswick Pool and will remove the signs when deemed safe for swimming.

Regular sampling and monitoring are standard procedures to ensure the ongoing safety of recreational water areas.

The Shire of Harvey's priority is community safety and well-being. We appreciate community cooperation in following the recommendation not to swim at Brunswick Pool. 

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