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Australia Day 2024

Australia Day 2024
29 Jan 2024

The Shire of Harvey celebrated local volunteers and their decades of community service at the 2024 Australia Day Breakfasts on Friday, 26 January.

The Shire of Harvey celebrated local volunteers and their decades of community service at the 2024 Australia Day Breakfasts on Friday, 26 January.

The annual event is an opportunity for residents to reflect on mateship, local Aboriginal heritage and the volunteers that contribute to the rich tapestry of the community.

Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell said each award winner had left an indelible mark on the Harvey Region.

“The volunteer history our award winners have in the Harvey Region is astonishing; they have done so much work across local sport, recreation, health, education and fundraising for important causes like cancer research and homeless services,” Cr Campbell said.

“I want to congratulate our award winners and nominees, as well as thank every volunteer that dedicates their time and resources to improving our community.

“This includes Australind Lions Club and the Harvey Australia Day Breakfast Committee, both of which put on two wonderful – and delicious! – breakfasts.”

The 2024 Australia Day Breakfasts were held in Australind and Harvey and 32 citizens were welcomed across both events. 

The Shire of Harvey would like to acknowledge and thank Elder Gloria (Nora) Dann for her Welcome to Country at the Australind Australia Day Breakfast and Elder Lesley Ugle for her Welcome to Country at the Harvey Australia Day Breakfast. 

The Shire would also like to acknowledge the Rotary Club of Harvey, which presented their Courtesy Award at the Harvey Breakfast to Rosa Commisso from Harper Street Bakery.

Both events were supported by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council.

Two additional events were also held in Binningup and Brunswick Junction, thanks to the support of Binningup Country Club and Brunswick Junction Lions Club, respectively.

Award winners and their bios can be found below.

Award winner bios.

Community Citizen of the Year – Joanne Campbell

Ms Joanne Campbell has been described as a “selfless, tireless volunteer that has enhanced many young lives.”

She has volunteered on the Lot 208 Youth Inc Board of Management for more than 17 years and has volunteered on the Parkfield Primary School P&C for almost as long.

She has been the driving force behind several programs to support families in the Harvey Region, including a Mum and Bubs Club, a youth reading club and Relay for Life.

Throughout her professional career, Ms Campbell has worked as a primary school teacher and more recently as a school chaplain.

Community Citizen of the Year - Linda Williamson

Ms Linda Williamson is known as a fundraising powerhouse for her energetic support for important organisations such as Cancer Council Australia, the South West Refuge and Beyond Blue.

Her charitable nature can be traced back to Parkfield Primary School P&C in the late 90s, where she was active in school events and regularly raising funds for better school amenities.

Since then, Ms Williamson has not slowed down her fundraising activities and has also ignited the spirit of giving in thousands of other women.

Her Facebook group Real Housewives of Australind & South West has been an uplifting space for women to support each other and coordinate fundraisers.

Community Citizen of the Year – Robert Newby

Mr Robert Newby has a long history of community participation spanning, sport, school and community volunteering.

Wearing dozens of hats, Mr Newby has chaired the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre Fundraising Committee, has been a Brunswick Football Club team manager, a Harvey Primary School P&C president, a Harvey Cricket Club captain and much more.

He has held numerous office bearing roles with the Lions Club of Harvey and has been described as “always one of the first to put their hand up to help out.”

Perhaps most notably, Mr Newby had a heart transplant in 2018 and has since helped medical students learn from his experience and participated in the 2023 World Transport Games.

Active Citizenship – Lot 208 Youth Incorporated

Lot 208 Youth Inc provides a safe place for youth to meet, socialise and develop life skills and acceptable behaviours.

The program, which has been running for 22 years, is guided by trained and qualified youth workers and volunteers.

Lot 208 Youth Inc also has a well-attended school holiday program that provides schoolchildren a safe place to have fun outside of term.

The program is highly respected in the local youth service space and plugged into the wider South West youth networks, often receiving referrals from agencies such as Headspace.

Senior Community Citizen of the Year – Ross Ditchburn

Mr Ross Ditchburn is a former footballer and farmer who has motivated hundreds of men to be proactive about their physical and mental health with his inspirational public speeches.

Mr Ditchburn uses his own experiences, relatable humour and health facts to bring connectivity and support to a demographic that can often feel isolated.

Mr Ditchburn has been the chairperson of Regional Men's Health (RMH) for the past six years and is Chair of the RMH Management Committee.

He has been described as a “larger than life character making a real difference to men’s health and wellbeing in country Western Australia.”

Senior Community Citizen of the Year – Wendy Maslin

Ms Wendy Maslin co-founded Relay for Life Bunbury in 2003 and in the 20 years since, the event has raised more than $4.5 million for cancer research and support services.

Known as the “Mother of Relay,” she is a popular member of the local community that has networked with businesses, suppliers and volunteers to make the charitable cause as far-reaching as possible.

Ms Maslin also founded the Australind Family History Society in the 1980s, she is a St John of God Ambulance volunteer and a Smart2Ask committee member, where she helps coordinate resources for disadvantaged people.

Ms Maslin is described as someone who can “always be counted upon to help anyone at the drop of a hat.”

Young Community Citizen of the Year – Taya Larkman

Ms Taya Larkman is a leader at Our Lady of Mercy College in Australind, serving as Swim Club Captain and Service Captain at the school.

She is heavily involved in extracurricular programs such as the Mercy Justice

Team and Breakfast Club and has been key to the success of important school activities such as House Days, Respect Days, RUOK Days, Mercy Games and Fun Fridays.

Ms Larkman’s role as a school leader is complemented by her admirable fundraising activities.

She has volunteered nearly 400 hours of community service over the past 18 months and has supported people less fortunate than her through initiatives such as St Vinnies food appeals and the Give-a Damn, Give-a-Can program.

The Rotary Club of Harvey Courtesy Award
The Rotary Club of Harvey Courtesy Award was awarded to Rosa Commisso (Harper Street Bakery)
Community Citizen of the Year recipient Robert Newby
Community Citizen of the Year recipient Robert Newby
Avani Shah from Lot 208 Youth Inc
Avani Shah from Lot 208 Youth Inc
Young Community Citizen of the Year – Taya Larkman
Young Community Citizen of the Year recipient Taya Larkman
Senior Community Citizen of the Year recipient Wendy Maslin
Senior Community Citizen of the Year recipient Wendy Maslin
Community Citizen of the Year recipient Linda Williamson
Senior Community Citizen of the Year recipient Ross Ditchburn
Senior Community Citizen of the Year recipient Ross Ditchburn
Community Citizen of the Year recipient Joanne Campbell
Community Citizen of the Year recipient Joanne Campbell and Shire of Harvey President Michelle Campbell
Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre Manager David Marshall
Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre Manager David Marshall
The Shire of Harvey welcomed new citizens to our community on 26 January 2024
The Shire of Harvey welcomed new citizens to our community on 26 January 2024
The Shire of Harvey welcomed guests to the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre for the 2024 Australia Day Breakfast
The Shire of Harvey welcomed guests to the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre for the 2024 Australia Day Breakfast
The 2024 Australia Day Breakfasts were held in Australind and Harvey and 32 citizens were welcomed across both events.
The 2024 Australia Day Breakfasts were held in Australind and Harvey and 32 citizens were welcomed across both events.