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Harvey Art Prize

Harvey Art Prize
27 Sep 2023

The Shire of Harvey has celebrated the 2023 Harvey Art Prize winners!

Congratulations to the 2023 Harvey Art Prize winners!

Harvey Region's art scene was abuzz this month with the remarkable Harvey Art Prize exhibition.

Kicking off during the September long weekend, the exhibition showed off incredible local talent and celebrated nine award recipients.

​More than 100 pieces of art were entered into the competition and displayed for public viewing at Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre. 

Pieces explored the theme "connection" and were judged by an expert panel of Shire and sponsor representatives. 

The Harvey Art Prize is a biennial event previously managed by Harvey Art Society.

This year, sponsors included Harvey Water, Alcoa, Member for Forrest The Hon. Nola Marino MP, Rotary Club of Harvey, Harvey Art Society and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries.

Check out photos from the event below. 

Harvey Art Prize winners:

  • Harvey Water Harvey Art Prize - awarded to Kay Jones for artwork titled Welcome In Lady In Rags
  • Alcoa Best Themed Piece - awarded to Sheree Dohnt for artwork titled The Empty Nest. 
  • Shire of Harvey Mixed Media -awarded to Chloe Palmer for artwork titled Shakti Poppi.
  • Shire of Harvey Works on Canvas - awarded to Carmen McFaull for artwork titled Dunes.
  • Shire of Harvey Works on Paper - awarded to Yvonne Brooks for artwork titled The Quiet Place.
  • Shire of Harvey 3-Dimensional Works - awarded to Carmen Tyrer for artwork titled Twilight Bolero. 
  • Member for Forrest the Hon. Nola Marino MP Novice - awarded to Indigo Rivers for artwork titled Nude. 
  • Rotary Club of Harvey Youth - awarded to Eleanor Bennier for artwork titled Spring Rising. 
  • Harvey Art Society Margaret Jones Peoples' Choice Award - awarded to Colleen Martin and
  • Yvonne Brooks for artwork titled Best Mates and One Last Look respectively. 
  • Artwork selected for Shire of Harvey collection: Wise Connections by Lisa Henderson-Grapes and Flamboyant Paradiso by Chloe Palmer. 

The 2023 Harvey Art Prize exhibition coincided with the launch of the CONNECTION Project.

Throughout August and September, community groups have been decorating oversized letters that spell the word CONNECTION.

Locals can view the completed CONNECTION project at Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre throughout the September/October school holiday period.

The letters will then be moved around to special community events, including the Brunswick Show and Youthchella. 

Harvey Art Prize Best Themed Piece winner Sheree Dohnt and daughter Ila
Harvey Art Prize Best Themed Piece winner Sheree Dohnt and daughter Ila
Best Themed Piece award recipient Sheree Dohnt with Alcoa representative Scott Hansen
Best Themed Piece award recipient Sheree Dohnt with Alcoa representative Scott Hansen
Works on Paper award recipient Yvonne Brooks with Cr John Bromham
Works on Paper award recipient Yvonne Brooks with Cr John Bromham
3-Dimensional Works award recipient Carmen Tyrer and Cr Paul Beech
3-Dimensional Works award recipient Carmen Tyrer and Cr Paul Beech
Mixed Media award recipient Chloe Palmer with Cr Wendy Dickinson
Mixed Media award recipient Chloe Palmer with Cr Wendy Dickinson
Youth award recipient Eleanor Bennier and Cr Robyn Coleman
Youth award recipient Eleanor Bennier and Cr Robyn Coleman
Kane Darcey with artwork Bringin’ ‘em back home
Kane Darcey with artwork Bringin’ ‘em back home
Mike Lovitt
Mike Lovitt
Colleen Martin and Harry Martin, with Colleen's artwork Brothers in Arms
Colleen Martin and Harry Martin, with Colleen's artwork Brothers in Arms
Haydn Jones, Rowan Morrison, Francois Roelofsz and Anton Fimmano.
Haydn Jones, Rowan Morrison, Francois Roelofsz and Anton Fimmano.
Sally Bell and Duncan Booth with artwork Korijekup Dreams
Sally Bell and Duncan Booth with artwork Korijekup Dreams
Shire of Harvey Deputy Shire President Cr Michelle Campbell, Cr Wendy Dickinson and Pauline Pieterson
Shire of Harvey Deputy Shire President Cr Michelle Campbell, Cr Wendy Dickinson and Pauline Pieterson
Member for Forrest the Hon. Nola Marino and Judy Mihich
Member for Forrest the Hon. Nola Marino and Judy Mihich
Shire of Harvey CEO Annie Riordan and the acquisition piece
Shire of Harvey CEO Annie Riordan and the acquisition piece
Community members attending the 54th Harvey Art Prize.
Community members attending the 54th Harvey Art Prize.