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Yarloop Workshops Project Update

Yarloop Workshops Project Update
09 Oct 2023

Yarloop Workshops Project to recommence under Shire’s own steam.

The recommencement of the Stage 1 Redevelopment of the Yarloop Workshops Interpretation Centre has moved a step forward.

At a Special Meeting held Thursday, 5 October 2023, the Shire of Harvey Council authorised the Chief Executive Officer to proceed with directly engaging a suitably qualified contractor to secure and isolate the existing unfinished structures to prevent further degradation.

The decision was made as part of a recommendation not to award the tender for the Stage 1 Redevelopment to an outside contractor due to escalating cost variations. Instead, the Shire will investigate alternative options to reduce the overall costs of the Project to bring it in line with the allocated budget.

Shire President Paul Gillett said he is delighted with the decision, believing it to be within the public’s interest to maintain momentum on the Project.

“The Stage 1 Redevelopment of the Yarloop Workshops Interpretation Centre is an important economic driver project for Yarloop and the Harvey Region."

“It is great to be able to move this project forward again after it unfortunately stalled earlier this year when the contractor engaged by the Shire to deliver the project went into administration".