Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Mural Trail Program

Mural Trail Program
10 Oct 2023

Expressions of Interest for the Shire's Public Art - Mural Trail Program are now open.

Shire of Harvey is excited to invite artists to participate in our Mural Trail, which aims to enhance the visual appeal of our community and promote local talent.

The Shire of Harvey is committed to enriching the cultural and visual fabric of our community through public art that reflects the essence of our region. We believe that public art should not only enhance our surroundings but also celebrate the unique aspects of our locality.

In this spirit, we invite talented mural artists to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) for a mural project that embodies the rich tapestry of our area, with a focus on local flora, fauna, history, people, and culture. This program aligns with our commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive environment in the Shire of Harvey as outlined in our Public Art Policy.

We are seeking passionate and creative mural artists to beautify four key locations within the Shire:

  1. Yarloop Library (22 School Road, Yarloop)
  2. Brunswick Recreation Ground Entry (Ridley Street, Brunswick)
  3. Christina Street Reserve Amenities Block (nearest cross street, Old Coast Road and Christina Street, Australind)
  4. Harvey - Myalup Road Unused Water Tank (intersection of Centre Break Road and Harvey Myalup Road)

Your Expression of Interest (EOI) should include the following information:

  • Artist Name
  • Phone Number 
  • Email Address
  • Address
  • Website (if applicable)
  • Preferred Location/s (select one or more from the above list)
  • Artist's Experience to Date: website or social media link welcome
  •  A brief artist statement outlining your creative vision for the mural
  • A portfolio of previous mural work or relevant artistic projects
  • A rough sketch or concept of your proposed mural for our consideration 
  • Estimated installation timeline: Installation will need to be completed before 30 June 2024
  • Artist quote to complete the artwork

Please submit your EOI by email by 8am Monday, 6 November to