Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

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Public Art Policy

Public Art Policy

The Shire of Harvey has a Public Art Policy which forms the criteria for assessment of all public art commissioned by the Shire and is guided by the following objectives:

  • To identify suitable public art opportunities throughout the Shire
  • To enhance cultural life through public art projects that enliven and engage with the community in public spaces
  • To foster a supportive culture that allows local art, artists and the cultural industries to develop high quality works
  • To celebrate and enhance the history and culture of the Shire through meaningful public art
  • To promote and identify current and potential public art trails within the Shire
  • Ensure that art collections are maintained, developed and made accessible to the community

The Shire’s Arts and Culture Advisory Group, which includes Councillor representation, is appointed to ensure that all commissions embody artistic excellence and integrity and to advise in all matters relating to public art. The Advisory Group will assess all expressions of interest received.

A Percent for Art Policy is currently in development and will be presented at the December 2022 Ordinary Council Meeting, this policy is a priority project of Creative Communities 2027 Strategy and will ensure that commissioned public artworks will be part of public and private development projects over a certain value within the Shire of Harvey.

It is envisioned that these public artworks will reflect the place or community they are installed in and increase public awareness of the value of art and culture.