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Visitors are getting a taste of Harvey

Visitors are getting a taste of Harvey
05 May 2023

The Shire of Harvey has launched a brochure to showcase food and beverages in the Region.

The Shire of Harvey is drawing visitors from near and far to experience its amazing local produce and hospitality, with the launch of the new “A Taste of Harvey Region Food & Beverage Sampler” brochure.

The short guide features a taste of what the Harvey Region has to offer by highlighting some of the locals’ favourite cafes, restaurants, wineries and breweries.

Shire of Harvey President, Paul Gillett said that while he’d already tried many of the offerings mentioned, he was excited to continue his culinary exploration of the Region.

“We’re lucky enough to live in an area with amazing local produce, so it’s no surprise that we have so many delicious food and beverage options to choose from.” Cr Gillett said.

“The Food and Beverage Sampler is a great introduction to food and drink in the Harvey Region. It’s always a pleasure seeing what our producers and chefs come up with each season”.

The brochure, released by the Destination Harvey Region team, aims to drive visitation and connect people with the food bowl of Australia’s South West as part of the Shire’s Harvey Region Tourism Road Map 2031.

Download the online brochure here.

Printed copies will be available from the Shire of Harvey Administration Offices from mid-May.