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Shire of Harvey Celebrates 30,000 residents!

Shire of Harvey Celebrates 30,000 residents!
19 May 2023

The Shire of Harvey is celebrating a population milestone, with more than 30,000 people now calling the Harvey Region home.

The Shire of Harvey is celebrating a population milestone, with more than 30,000 people now calling the Harvey Region home.

The exciting landmark follows a positive growth trend for the Shire, which has been increasing in population size year on year for the last decade.

According to Australian population forecasting specialist .id (informed decisions), average percentage growth in 2022 also surpassed Regional Western Australia, State and National averages.

This steady growth is underpinned by several Shire of Harvey strategies designed to diversify the economy, expand facilities, drive tourism and develop the Region into an increasingly connected and liveable place.

Shire of Harvey President Cr Paul Gillett said it was wonderful to see the community flourishing.

“It’s no surprise that people are choosing to move to the Harvey Region or stay and build families,” Cr Gillett said.

“We are known as an agricultural powerhouse, but word is spreading about our unmatched lifestyle and fast-developing urban centres, too.

“We have several big projects on the go that will accommodate these population movements and enable sustainable social and economic growth.

“There’s certainly a bright future ahead for the Harvey Region.”

Considered one of the fastest growing shires in Western Australia, the Shire of Harvey is moving forward with a number of key developments designed to support locals, jobs and encourage investment.