Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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School Holiday Activities at our Libraries

School Holiday Activities at our Libraries
24 Mar 2023

Join our school holiday activities at Australind and Harvey libraries. Activities include Old MacDonald’s Travelling Farm, Super Slime and Bunnings Workshop.

Week One

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DateAustralind LibraryHarvey Library
Monday, 10 AprilLibraries Closed
Tuesday, 11 AprilFrom 1pm to 4pm - Board Games and LegoAll day - Pop-Up Truck Day
Wednesday, 12 AprilFrom 10am to 11am - Bunnings Workshop* (Age 5+)From 2pm to 3pm - Bunnings Workshop* (Age 5+)
Thursday, 13 AprilFrom 10am to 11am - Super Slime* (Age 5+) All day - Painting Day
Friday, 14 AprilFrom 1pm to 4pm - Blocks and ImaginationAll day - Dolphin Craft Day

Week Two

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DateAustralind LibraryHarvey Library
Monday, 17 AprilFrom 1pm to 4pm - Lego and CuriosityAll day - Pencil and Paper Games
Tuesday, 18 AprilFrom 1pm to 4pm - Pool Noodle Ponies CraftAll day - Board Games
Wednesday, 19 AprilFrom 9am to 11am - Old MacDonald's Travelling FarmFrom 2pm to 4pm - Old MacDonald's Travelling Farm
Thursday, 20 AprilFrom 10am to 3pm - Quiver Art and CraftAll day - Science Toy Day
Friday, 21 AprilFrom 1pm to 4pm - Board Games and LegoAll day - Lego

*Bookings are required.

For more information about these activities, please contact Australind Library on 9797 4590 or Harvey Library on 9729 0390.