All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA.
Shire of Harvey Council have decided not to support the closure of a section of Victoria Road reserve.
Shire of Harvey Council have decided not to support the closure of a section of Victoria Road reserve. The decision was made at the Tuesday, 28 March Ordinary Council Meeting. Previously, Council received a proposal to amalgamate land within the Victoria Road reserve into Lot 204 on the south side of the reserve. This would require the permanent closure of a section of the road reserve. A notice was placed in the Harvey-Waroona Reporter on Tuesday, 10 January 2023 and South Western Times on Thursday, 12 January 2023 to advise the community of this proposal. Notice was also provided on the Shire of Harvey website and to all public utility providers. In response, Water Corporation advised a DN200 Water Distribution Main was located in the Victoria Road reserve, which is an integral piece of infrastructure that supports water supply security for Brunswick Junction. Water Corporation shared a closure of the road reserve would have an adverse impact on their ability to service and maintain this infrastructure. Because of this, Council decided not to support the road reserve closure. At the Ordinary Council Meeting, Council agreed to: