Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Mosquito Treatment Update

Mosquito Treatment Update
29 Mar 2023

Between August and April every year, the Shire undertakes an extensive mosquito management program.

The Shire of Harvey is nearing the end of it's summer mosquito management program.

Between August and April every year, the Shire undertakes extensive surveillance, hand treatments and helicopter treatments to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes.

Known mosquito breeding sites in the Harvey region are monitored at least three times a week by Environmental Health Officers and more frequently during high tides.

The Shire's mosquito management program is also funded and supported by the Leschenault Contiguous Local Authorities Group, which ensures that targeted larvacides and equipment are readily available.

Recently the Shire acquired a new side-by-side quad to support mosquito treatment activities.

The Shire has also been promoting the Fight the Bite campaign, which encourages people to protect themselves from mosquitos.

Read about the Fight the Bite campaign here

Read mosquito control tips here.