All burning is prohibited during this period. For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies, visit Emergency WA.
The Bunbury Outer Ring Road project is now more than 40 per cent complete.
The Bunbury Outer Ring Road project is now more than 40 per cent complete. In March, piling works began at the Collie River bridges. This process is essential to establishing strong bridge foundations. The piling rig drills a hole in the ground before a steel cage is dropped in and filled with concrete. At the ‘mega-bridge’, piling for the piers has already been completed and crews will shortly commence work on the remaining two abutments. The ‘mega-bridge’ will take Bunbury Outer Ring Road over Golding Crescent, the Ferguson River, the freight rail line, and Boyanup-Picton Road. It will be 382 metres long, making it the longest bridge in the South West region of Western Australia. In April, production will start on the next round of bridge beams, which will be used at the South West Highway (north) interchange later in 2023. These will be manufactured at the purpose-built pre-cast yard in Picton East. The purpose of the bridge beams is to directly support the weight of the bridge and any traffic travelling over it. Meanwhile, crews are also preparing for the next beam installation, which will occur in May at the Paris Road and Clifton Road interchange.
For more updates on the Bunbury Outer Ring Road project, please visit the Main Roads website.