Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

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Australia Day Awards

Australia Day Awards
27 Jan 2023

The Shire of Harvey celebrated people making a difference on Australia Day.

The Shire of Harvey community welcomed new citizens and celebrated locals who make a difference at the Australia Day Breakfasts yesterday, 26 January 2023.

Award winners included: 

  • Community Citizen of the Year Award – Greg Campbell (Australind), William Russell (Harvey), Karen McCarthy (Leschenault), Lyndon Edwards (Brunswick)
  • Active Citizenship Award for Groups or Events – Brunswick Junction Men’s Shed (Brunswick)
  •  Senior Community Citizen of the Year Award – Gillian Dober (Australind), Colin Beauchamp (Cookernup)
  • Rotary Club of Harvey Courtesy Award - Pauline Burgess

Each award winner was nominated for their dedication to the Shire of Harvey community and drive to make their home a fantastic place to live.

Their achievements were celebrated at Australia Day Breakfasts in Australind, Binningup, Brunswick Junction, and Harvey. 

As part of the program, the community enjoyed official flag ceremonies, beautiful renditions of Advance Australia Fair, Welcome to Country presentations and incredible Noongar didgeridoo, dancing and smoking ceremonies.

Programs also included raffles and live entertainment including a band and face painting.

The events were assisted by the Australian Government through the National Australia Day Council.