Restricted Burning Period until midnight 15 May 2025

Permits to burn are required for the restricted burning period and must be obtained from the Bush Fire Control Officer.

For up to date information regarding Total Fire Bans and community warnings about emergencies visit Emergency WA

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Community Grants and Funding

Community Grants and Funding
20 Feb 2023

Applications are invited from community groups in the Shire for funding to support their programs.

Does your organisation have a local project that needs some extra financial help?

Local organisations and community groups are invited to apply for funding through the Shire of Harvey Grant Funding Program.

The Shire of Harvey Grant Funding Program aims to acknowledge and strengthen the valuable contribution that community groups and organisations make towards the Shire being a vibrant, inclusive and connected community.

There are several types of grants and funding available to the community:

  • Community Support Grant - funding for projects that build the capacity and wellbeing of the Shire of Harvey community.
  • Placemaking Grant - funding for community-led initiatives that make a positive contribution to the physical character, amenity or activation of a community.
  • Infrastructure Grant - funding to upgrade, extend or construct well planned community and recreation facilities.
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant - funding to support projects that provide opportunities to participate in arts, culture and heritage.
  • Community Events Grant - funding for events run by and for the local community.
  • Partnership Agreements - funding to achieve longer term community development outcomes through strategic partnerships.
  • Alcoa Harvey Sustainability Fund - funding to support a broad range of community development projects, both large and small, that make a positive contribution to the economic, social, recreational or environmental sustainability of the community.
  • Coastal Communities Fund - funding for community organisations in Myalup and Binningup.

Applications for the Shire of Harvey Grant Funding Program open 1 March and close 12 April 2023.

Applicants are encouraged to attend the following workshops:

Webinar: Grant Category Information and Eligibility 

 Face to Face Workshop (an opportunity to discuss your projects with Shire Officers)

Before submitting an application, all applicants must discuss their application with the Shire’s Community Development team on or 9729 0300.

Find out about the community grants and funding.